Canary Releases in 15 Minutes

Demo for Docker for Mac with Kuberentes

Setting up Nginx Ingress on Kubernetes on Docker for Mac with Kuberentes

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

Clone repo

git clone
cd k8s-canary-on-ingress

Deploy app

kubectl apply -f web/deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f cat/deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f dog/deployment.yaml

Deploy ingress rule for web app and backend

kubectl apply -f ingress/1-ingress.yaml

Check if the api works.

curl localhost/pet

Check web app in browser at http://localhost/web

Deploy canary ingress rule and test

Split traffic 90:10.

kubectl apply -f ingress/2-canary-10.yaml

Check with curl or web app.

curl localhost/pet

Check 100 request with ruby script.

ruby ingress/check.rb

Set traffic 50:50.

kubectl apply -f ingress/3-canary-50.yaml

Check 100 request with ruby script.

ruby ingress/check.rb

Remove rule.

kubectl delete -f ingress/3-canary-50.yaml

A/B test with header

Deploy canary ingress rule.

kubectl apply -f ingress/4-canary-header.yaml

Check if the api works.

curl localhost/pet
curl  -H "dog-lover: always" localhost/pet

Check web app in browser at http://localhost/web

Remove rule.

kubectl delete -f ingress/4-canary-header.yaml

A/B test with cookie

Deploy canary ingress rule.

kubectl apply -f ingress/5-canary-cookie.yaml

Check if the api works.

curl localhost/pet
curl  -b dog_lover=always http://localhost/pet

Check web app in browser at http://localhost/web

Remove rule.

kubectl delete -f ingress/5-canary-cookie.yaml