
simple abstract solution to deal with REST webservices using AFNetworking

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT

AFAbstractRESTClient is simple abstract solution to deal with REST webservices using AFNetworking. It basically adds some structure to API calls by separating each type of operation to a class.

In classical approach one can use façade pattern to create a fat client with API methods.

This solution is based on Template method pattern and allows developers to create API calls 'on-the-fly'.

Typical HTTP request consists of a few steps combined into one operation in abstract class which calls only a few methods it needs from subclass. Framework Abstract[GET|POST|DELETE]APICall classes are responsible for:

  • turning on status bar network indicator,
  • asking subclass for path for given API call,
  • asking subclass for query params (optional),
  • configuring AFJSONRequestOperation given all parameters needed,
  • logging success data or error failure,
  • asking subclass to parse data from passed JSON object,
  • calling success or failure block accordingly to call result,
  • turning off status bar network indicator.

In most typical situation you don't have to write this whole logic yourself. You only need to override 2 methods: path and parse data to communicate with your API.

Examples for GET and POST requests are included in Tests.

How to get started

If you use cocoapods (you should! :) )

  • add pod 'AFAbstractRESTClient' into your Podfile
  • run pod install
  • add NSString *kServerURLString = @"http://YOUR_SERVER_ADDRESS/"; somewhere in your app. This is basic URL for your server. Each path method inside *Call object should return path related to this.
  • open AFAbstractRESTClient-Prefix.pch file and uncomment useful macros NETWORK_ON and NETWORK_OFF to show status bar network indicator
  • see AFAbstractRESTClientTests.m file with example test/usages for GET and POST requests

If you don't use cocoapods or just want to test the library alone

  • Download AFAbstractRESTClient
  • call pod install to install required AFNetworking
  • if you have never used cocoapods remember to open AFAbstractRESTClient.xcworkspace rather than AFAbstractRESTClient.xcodeproj
  • see AFAbstractRESTClientTests.m file with example test/usages for GET and POST requests
  • run tests by pressing Cmd+U
  • use in your own project (by dragging the project into your project in Xcode) if you like :)

Example GET Call

  • create class that inherits from AbstractGETAPICall and override only required methods:
#import "AbstractGETAPICall.h"

@interface GithubGETCall : AbstractGETAPICall

#import "GithubGETCall.h"

@implementation GithubGETCall

- (NSString*) path {
    return @"https://api.github.com/repos/burczyk/AFAbstractRESTClient";

- (void) parseResponseData: (id) JSON withSuccessBlock:(void (^)(id JSON)) blockSuccess {
    // You can parse your data here, e.g. write them to Core Data/SQLite or create your own model.
    // After parsing you can return either JSON or parsed object as input for block is (id)

  • use it anywhere in your code in simple way:
GithubGETCall *call = [[GithubGETCall alloc] init];
[call executeAPICallWithSuccessBlock:^(id responseObject) {
} failure:^(NSError *error, id responseObject) {

Example POST Call with multipart/form-data

  • create class that inherits from AbstractPOSTAPICall and override only required methods:
#import "AbstractPOSTAPICall.h"

@interface HttpBinPOSTCall : AbstractPOSTAPICall

#import "HttpBinPOSTCall.h"

@implementation HttpBinPOSTCall

- (NSString*) path {
    return @"post";

- (NSDictionary*) queryParams {
    return @{ @"arg1" : @"value1", @"arg2" : @3.141592 };

- (void) constructBody:(id <AFMultipartFormData>) formData {
    // image source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mila_Kunis_2012.jpg
    NSData *image = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/44/Mila_Kunis_2012.jpg/128px-Mila_Kunis_2012.jpg"]];
    [formData appendPartWithFormData:[@"example data" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] name:@"key1"];
    [formData appendPartWithFormData:image name:@"Mila_Kunis_2012.jpg"];

  • use it anywhere in your code in simple way:
HttpBinPOSTCall *call = [[HttpBinPOSTCall alloc] init];
[call executeAPICallWithSuccessBlock:^(id responseObject) {

} failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {

} progress:^(long long totalBytesWritten, long long totalBytesExpectedToWrite) {



AFAbstractRESTClient is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.