
environment template for library projects

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Note: Since Rollup currently does not support some things which are not yet standard(like class fields), I've used babel for transpiling code with specific set of plugins for such things.

Note: This is rollup + jest setup, to get webpack + karma + chai + sinon setup check webpack_chai branch.

Environment setup for library project development, requires rollup v 0.66 or higher to be installed globally.

npm install rollup -g

After installation replace values of LIBRARY_FILE_NAME and LIBRARY_VAR_NAME in webpack.helpers.js.

  • LIBRARY_FILE_NAME - distribution file name
  • LIBRARY_VAR_NAME - variable name for global variable

Also you will need to update "main" value in bower.json and package.json.

NPM commands:

  • npm start - run rollup to make distributions
  • npm test - run jest tests
  • npm run server - run rollup dev server
  • npm run flow - run flow for static type checking
  • npm run build:watch - run rollup in watch mode
  • npm run test:watch - run tests in watch mode
  • npm run lint - run ESLint for project files(including test files) in /source folder.