I am C# DOT NET devel-oper building fun and learning projects for quite some time. I'm graduated from COM-SATS University Islama-bad.
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Design COVID patient monitoring system. Raspberry and Web Application use will be to reduce the spreading of germs to the doctors in this current pandemic situation to show the patient basic reading. The response also reduces to attend the patients and detecting diseases. In the current pandemic of COVID without touching the patient Doctor can see heartbeat and the level of oxygen in the blood. Patient monitoring system by raspberry contain sensors as heartbeat and pulse sensors and the level of oxygen in the blood. All the signals necessary for the supervisor of the patient, the system is located on the bed and tied Sensor. In the case of a sudden change of the status of the patient of the staff can send alerts to the doctor. The staff send alerted through the web App. The system will be designed using Raspberry pi and Arduino uno powered device that transmits patient data to caregivers wherever they are, instantaneously. The device has been programmed using Python and CPP programming languages. Completed the hardware and software part of the project successfully, we suggested use in Hospital and in Homes, it by using internet. Device will send data to the cloud then web and mobile application get data from cloud to show. This is final year project by using Raspberry pi & Arduino UNO Pulse Sensor oxygen Level Sensor ....Web Application In Django
All Data Structure Basic Topic With code
Calculator Using C# Windows Form here All function perform in one textbox Complete GUI Based.
Calling Web API from Console Application using HttpClient
It is a system design specially for small car rental business. The car rental system provides complete functionality of listing and booking car. Objectives to transform the manual process of hiring car to a computerize system. To validate the Rental Car system using user satisfaction test. This application helps to add cars, customers, users. To delete and edit them. It offers to functionality of renting cars by setting the returning date. The can return cars and calculate fine in case the car is returned late.
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