
A module with all the important dates for Elizabeth & Clarke

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A module with all the important dates for Elizabeth & Clarke

Circle CI


import EcCalendar from 'ec-calendar';

var calendar = new EcCalendar('SM15');

Calendar API


For every change we made in to this lib we should compile the project again, in order to do this we need to install `broccoli` and `broccoli-cli` dependencies with the following command:
`npm install -g broccoli@0.12.0 broccoli-cli@^0.0.1`
and then compile our project with the following command:
`broccoli build dist`
The new `dist` should be added to the repo. 
Note: The index should be formmated with `;` before to be compiled.


Years of existing seasons, from 2011 to next year


An array of all existing seasons


Currently set season, set by the constructor param


Upcoming season based on which calendar.activeSeason is set


Previous season based on which calendar.activeSeason is set

Season API

A season looks like:

{ id: 'WN11',
  code: 'WN',
  title: 'Winter 2011',
   { charge: Thu Sep 15 2011 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (COT),
     ship: Thu Dec 01 2011 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (COT) },
  year: 2011,
  kind: 'winter' }