Live Browser Chat With Slack Integration

Browser-based chat client that sends messages to and from Slack. A NodeJS webserver acts as a middleman between Slack and MQTT (using [2lemetry's ThingFabric] 1), and the chat client sends messages to it via MQTT. Also includes automated Zendesk ticket creation for after-hours users.


<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="path/to/mqttchat.js"></script>
		username: '[ThingFabric username]',
		password: '[ThingFabric token]'
  • Drop the above into your webpage
  • Create and Outgoing and Incoming Webhook in Slack. Outgoing should point to the webserver you'll be setting up shortly.
  • Fill out config.js with your MQTT, Slack, and Zendesk credentials.
  • Host Node app on platform of your choosing
  • Start #synergizing your #brand