
Enum coverage linter for switches in Go

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


goenumcheck provides assertion that, given an "enum" type in Go, any switch statements ranging over a value of that type cover all declared instances.

For example:

package dessert

type iceCreamFlavour int

const (
  vanilla iceCreamFlavour = iota

func announce(flavour iceCreamFlavour) {
  switch flavour {
  case vanilla:
  case chocolate:

Running goenumcheck on this file will produce:

/tmp/dessert.go:12:2: uncovered cases for iceCreamFlavour enum switch
        - swirl (EC1000)

goenumcheck looks for types aliased to int or int32, which have package-level const values of that type. For those types, when a switch is found ranging over a value of that type, all const instances of that type must be explicitly mentioned in case statements in order to pass the check.

See goenumcheck -h for more help.