
Accompanying code for the paper "Global patterns and rates of habitat transitions across the eukaryotic tree of life" (Jamy et al. 2022) on Nature Ecology and Evolution.

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Code for "Global patterns and rates of habitat transitions across the eukaryotic tree of life" (Jamy et al. 2022)


This repository contains all scripts used for processing PacBio Sequel II data (18S-28S) and for ancestral state reconstruction analyses. Check first lines of scripts for usage instructions, required software, and other comments.
N.B: Non-marine taxa are referred to as "terrestrial" taxa throughout the README (as they originally were in the bioRxiv preprint)

1. Processing Sequel II data

1.1 Filtering CCS

The input files are demultiplexed fastq files, with each fastq file (corresponding to a particular sample) in its own folder. Scripts for this step are available in the folder scripts_PacBio_process.

First, use DADA2 to remove primers, orient reads to be in the same direction, and filter sequences. Here, we removed sequences shorter than 3000 bp, longer than 6000 bp, and with more than 4 expected errors. Export as a fasta file.
Rscript DADA2.r

Or process multiple samples in parallel using:
parallel --jobs 3 'bash scripts_PacBio_process/filter.sh {}' ::: [list of paths to folders containing the input files]

1.2 Further filtering and OTU clustering

Further denoise seqs by generating consensus seqs of highly similar seqs (>99% identical), remove any prokaryotic seqs and chimeras, extract 18S and 28S sequences and cluster into OTUs at 97% similarity, and do another round of chimera detection. (Run this step in parallel using parallel).
bash scripts_PacBio_process/filter_to_otus.sh [path to fasta file]

The output is fasta files with OTU representative sequences for both 18S and 28S. The headers look like this:


Fasta headers containing conseq are consensus sequences generated from highly similar sequences. If for a sequence, there are no other highly similar sequences, no consensus is generated, giving fasta headers like the third and fourth in the list above. In the above fasta headers, the following parts are the sequence id:


The biggest OTU (in terms of abundance) is Otu0001 in this case, Otu0010 is the tenth biggest OTU and so on.

The last number (i.e. after the Otu term) is the OTU abundance. For instance the fasta headers above show the following abundances:


1.3 Characterize OTUs

Get stats about similarity to reference sequences in PR2, abundances, and sequence lengths (run on multiple samples parallel using parallel). Output files can be plotted in R for visualisation.
bash scripts_PacBio_process/characterize_otus.sh [path to directory containing OTU fasta files]

2. Taxonomic annotation

This phylogeny-aware taxonomic annotation step is based on the 18S gene alone as it has more comprehensive databases. Here we use a custom PR2 database (called PR2_transitions) with 9 ranks of taxonomy instead of 8. The changes in taxonomy were made to reflect the most recent eukaryotic tree of life (based on Burki et al. 2019). This custom database is available on Figshare. Changes to taxonomy can be viewed here. This taxonomic annotation step requires some manual curation. For a detailed overview of the algorithm, see Jamy et al. 2020. Scripts for this step can be found in the folder scripts_taxonomy.

2.1 Initial tree inference

Infer one tree per sample. Here, we want to infer a global eukaryotic tree with:

  1. The OTUs from our environmental sample
  2. The two closest related reference sequences for each OTU. These are referred to in the script as top2hits.
  3. Representatives from all major eukaryotic groups and supergroups (here I selected 124 seqs). The fasta file pr2.main_groups.fasta is available in scripts_taxonomy. Referred to in the script as EUKREF.

The script taxonomy_round1.sh will assemble this dataset, align with mafft, gently trim the alignment, and infer a quick-and-dirty tree with SH-like support. As before, use parallel to compute multiple files simultaneously.

bash scripts_taxonomy/taxonomy_round1.sh [path to directory containing final 18S OTU file]

2.2 Manual curation

Examine the tree manually in FigTree and colour taxa that should be discarded. Mark nucleomorph sequences (green - hex code: #00FF00), mislabelled reference sequences (blue - hex code: #0000FF), and any OTU sequences that look like artefacts (ridiculously long branch for example) (magenta - hex code: #FF00FF). Nucleomorph OTU sequences are easily identified because they cluster with reference nucleomorph sequences. Mislabelled reference sequences are also easily identified, for example you may find a PR2 sequence annotated as Fungi clustering with Dinoflagellates etc. Other artefact OTU sequences (chimeras) are trickier to spot. I recommend BLASTing suspicious sequences in two halves, and using the information about abundance (in the fasta header) to help you decide which sequences to keep or not. This is an important step so take your time. Save all tree files after examination in a new folder called taxonomy.

2.3 Build ML trees

Remove all artefactual/misannotated sequences from your fasta files. Here is a list of sequences from PR2 that I removed or reannotated. Re-align and trim cleaned fasta files, and re-infer trees. You may need to do another round of cleaning before proceeding.

bash scripts_taxonomy/taxonomy_round2.sh

2.4 Assign taxonomy based on phylogeny

Here we use two approaches or "strategies" to get taxonomy of the OTUs based on the inferred tree. This step requires a reference taxonomy file from PR2. The taxonomy file for the custom PR2_transitions database can be found on Figshare.

  1. Strategy 1. Propagate taxonomy from the closest neighbour to each OTU.
  2. Strategy 2. Prune away OTUs to get a tree containing reference sequences alone. Phylogenetically place the OTUs on the phylogeny and use the placement information to calculate taxonomy and confidence for each taxonomic rank.

Generate a consensus from the two strategies. I recommend manually checking the output table quickly to make sure that everything makes sense. If there are huge conflicts between the two strategies for a sequence, it may be a chimera. Manually check this before discarding though.

bash scripts_taxonomy/place.sh

2.5 Transfer taxonomy to 28S molecule

Now that we have labelled all our 18S OTU sequences for each sample, we can transfer the taxonomy to the corresponding 28S molecules! I also incorporated the taxonomy information in the fasta headers for both the 18S and 28S genes.

First, I used a few sed commands and the taxonomy output table from the previous step so my fasta headers now looked like this:


As before, the first part is the sequence ID. In this case:


Next is information about abundance (number of reads):


Followed by environment and sample information:

deep_Ms2-mes  ## deep ocean - mesopelagic - from Malaspina

Finally, information on taxonomy and the rank to which the OTU is annotated.


Using the script scripts_taxonomy/replace_fasta_header.pl, I changed the fasta headers of the 28S gene as well so they were identical to the 18S gene.

3. Global 18S-28S phylogeny

Any scripts and necessary files for this section can be found in the folder scripts_global_phylogeny.

3.1 Align, trim and concatenate

First combine the labelled 18S sequences from all samples into a single fasta file. I labelled mine all.18S.fasta. I did the same for the 28S gene and lablled it all.28S.fasta.

Align the 18S and 28S genes with mafft-auto. Since it is a large number of sequences, mafft used the FFT-NS-2 algorithm. (Here I also tried the SINA aligner, T-Coffee and Kalign - I inspected all alignments visually by eye and found that SINA and T-Coffee gave me bad alignments where even the most conserved regions of the 18S gene at the start of the alignment were not aligned. Kalign and mafft seemed to work better and in the end I chose to stick to mafft.)

mafft --thread 20 --reorder all.18S.fasta > all.18S.mafft.fasta
mafft --thread 20 --reorder all.28S.fasta > all.28S.mafft.fasta

Next trim the alignments. Here we want to gently trim the alignments so that we reduce the number of alignment sites and make tree inference less computationally intensive. However, we do not want to trim too much as we want to combine it short read metabarcoding data (V4 region) in a later step. After several trials I opted to remove columns with more than 95% gaps.

trimal -in all.18S.mafft.fasta -out all.18S.mafft.trimal.fasta -gt 0.05
trimal -in all.28S.mafft.fasta -out all.28S.mafft.trimal.fasta -gt 0.05

After visually inspecting the alignments, concatenate the 18S and 28S genes. I use the script concat_fasta.pl found at https://github.com/iirisarri/phylogm/blob/master/concat_fasta.pl

perl concat_fasta.pl all.18S.mafft.trimal.fasta all.28S.mafft.trimal.fasta > all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta

3.2 Several rounds of prelimiary phylogenies

Infer Maximum Likelihood phylogenies (unconstrained) with RAxML v8 (I don't recommend using raxml-ng at this stage because it does not have the GTRCAT model implemented yet, so tree inference is much slower).

for i in $(seq 20); do raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-AVX -s all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta -m GTRCAT -n all.concat.${1} -T 7 -p $RANDOM; done

Visually inspect the best ML tree and remove any chimeras or artefacts. Because our sequences are taxonomically labelled, it should make looking at the tree easier. Flag and remove chimeras (e.g. any Ascomycetes sequences that cluster with Basidiomycetes), check potential artefacts such as long-branches. Remove artefactual taxa, re-align, trim and re-infer trees. Do several rounds of this.

I also removed super-fast evolving taxa using TreeShrink.

run_treeshrink.py -t RAxML_bestTree.all.concat -k 2500

(I played with several values of k and selected 2500 as it seemed reasonable for my dataset). In my case, 118 long branches were identified, mostly consisting of Mesodinium, Microsporidium, many unlabelled taxa, several Apicomplexa, several Discoba, and Colladaria. Fast-evolving taxa were removed to avoid long-branch attraction.

I also did two rounds of preliminary phylogenies that were constrained. See next step to see how I constrained trees.

3.3 Infer final ML global phylogeny (constrained)

Once satisfied, I ran a final global ML phylogeny. For this paper, I enforced monophyly for groups such as ciliates, dinoflagellates, fungi etc. These groups correspond to rank 4 in the PR2_transitions dataset. The constrained groups and overview of the backbone phylogeny can be seen in scripts_global_phylogeny/constrained_groups.newick.

I then used the taxonomic labels of each sequence to set up a multifucating constraint file (see this guide on constraint trees by the Exelexis lab for more information).

bash set_up_constraint.sh

Once I had the list of taxa for each group, I put it all together using a simple bash script scripts_global_phylogeny/combine.sh. Please note that this script is hard-coded to work for this specific datatset.

cd constrained
cp scripts_global_phylogeny/combine.sh .

## ran a script to put it together in a newick file
bash combine.sh

This script will generate a file called constraint.txt.tre. Check it in FigTree to confirm that it makes sense.

Finally run the global phylogeny!

## 100 ML trees
for i in $(seq 100); do raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-AVX -s all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta -m GTRCAT -n all.concat.${1} -T 7 -p $RANDOM -j -g constraint.txt.tre; done

## 100 bootstrap replicates
raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-AVX -s all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta -m GTRCAT -T7 -n bootstraps -g constraint.txt.tre - p $RANDOM -b $RANDOM -#100

I visualised the best ML tree. First root it arbitrarily at Amorphea. I used a custom script that roots a tree at a specified node. The node is specified as the ancestor of two or more tips. In this case I made a list of sequences in Amorphea (see scripts_global_phylogeny/Amorphea.list).

python scripts_global_phylogeny/root_at_node.py RAxML_bestTree.all.concat.53 Amorphea.root.list RAxML_bestTree.all.concat.53.rooted.tre

View the phylogeny in anvi'o. Decorate the phylogeny with taxonomy, % similarity to references in PR2, and habitat (listed in the fast header). I beautified the figure in Adobe Illustrator.

3.4 Unifrac analyses

Perform Unifrac analsis on the best ML tree. Using mothur for this.

### First generate groups file. This is a tab delimited file that contains two columns: the taxa name and which group they belong to.
cat all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta | grep ">" | tr -d '>' | grep "freshwater" | sed -E 's/(.*)/\1\tfreshwater/' > habitats.unifrac.txt
cat all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta | grep ">" | tr -d '>' | grep "soil" | sed -E 's/(.*)/\1\tsoil/' >> habitats.unifrac.txt
cat all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta | grep ">" | tr -d '>' | grep "surface" | sed -E 's/(.*)/\1\tsurface/' >> habitats.unifrac.txt
cat all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta | grep ">" | tr -d '>' | grep "deep" | sed -E 's/(.*)/\1\tdeep/' >> habitats.unifrac.txt

### Clustering habitats
mothur "#unifrac.unweighted(tree=RAxML_bestTree.all.concat.53.rooted.tre, group=habitats.unifrac.txt, distance=square, random=t)"

Do the same for the samples.

3.5 Patristic distances

The aim here was to generate a graph that compares pairwise patristic distances between all leaves on the concatenated 18S-28S tree and whether or not they are from the same habitat. I exptected to see a trend where closley related OTUs are from the same habitat, and this relationship breaks down as the patristic distance increases.

Calculate pairwise patristic distances of the rooted tree. For this I found a script online: https://github.com/linsalrob/EdwardsLab/blob/master/trees/tree_to_cophenetic_matrix.py

python scripts_global_phylogeny/tree_to_cophenetic_matrix.py -t rooted.amorphea.RAxML_bestTree.all.concat.53 > pairwise_distance.matrix

Converting square matrix to cleaned text file (i.e. without duplicates and self comparisons) 
awk 'NR==1{for(i=2; i<=NF; i++){a[i]=$i}} NR!=1{for(i=NR+1; i<=NF; i++){print $1 "\t" a[i-1] "\t" $i}}' pairwise_distance.matrix > pairwise_distance.txt

Only extracting pairwise comparisons that are separated by a distance of less than 1.5 to avoid comparisons between taxa that are extremely distantly related (where we dont expect to see any relationhip between habitat type and distance anyway).

cat pairwise_distance.txt | awk '$3 < 1.5' > pairwise_distance.1.5.txt

Do habitat comparisons

bash mar-terr.sh pairwise_distance.1.5.txt mar-terr.txt
bash fw-soil.sh pairwise_distance.1.5.txt fw-soil.txt
bash surface-deep.sh pairwise_distance.1.5.txt surface-deep.txt

4 Incorporate short read metabarcoding data

To increase covered diversity, include existing short-read metabarcoding data. See Supplmenetary Table 3 of the manuscript to see which studies were included. Any scripts used are provided

4.1 Process raw data

Primers were with cutadapt (maximum error rate = 10%). We used the DADA2 R package to process reads into ASVs using the filterAndTrim function, adapting the paaremters for each dataset. Where appropriate, forward and reverse reads were merged with the mergePairs function with default parameters, and chimeras removed with the removeBimeraDenovo function. We assigned taxonomy to the ASVs using the assignTaxonomy function against the PR2 database version 4.12.

ASVs from each study were concatenated together based on habitat (freshwater, soil, marine euphotic, and marine aphotic). This resulted in four fasta files, one for each habitat.

4.2 Cluster ASVs

ASVs from each dataset span slightly different regions of the V4, depending on the primer set used by each study. To reduce redundancy and to make the size of the dataset more manageable for phylogenetic analyses, we clustered the ASVs into OTUs at 97% similarity.

for i in *fasta; do vsearch --cluster_size $i --sizein --sizeout --centroids "$i".centroids --id 0.97 --iddef 2 --uc "$i".ucfile; done

We then cleaned up the datasets to be conservative in what we considered to be present in a habitat. We decided to retain OTUs that have at least 100 reads or are present in at least two distinct samples.

bash scripts_short_reads/filter_OTUs.sh <path to directory containing input files>

4.3 Align short reads to long-read alignment (from step 3)

Short-reads were aligned with PaPaRa using the best ML tree from step 3 as reference (in practice, any tree will do).

PaPaRa expects the reference alignment to be in phylip format.

perl scripts_short_reads/fasta2phylip.pl -f all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta -o all.concat.mafft.trimal.phylip

The query (short-read) sequences should be in uppercase or PaPaRa will fail.

cat soil.filtered.fasta | seqkit seq -u > soil.filtered.u.fasta 
cat fw.filtered.fasta | seqkit seq -u > fw.filtered.u.fasta 
cat surface.filtered.fasta | seqkit seq -u > surface.filtered.u.fasta 
cat deep.filtered.fasta | seqkit seq -u > deep.filtered.u.fasta 


papara -t ../RAxML_bestTree.all.concat.53 -s all.concat.mafft.trimal.phylip -q soil.filtered.u.fasta -r -j 8
papara -t ../RAxML_bestTree.all.concat.53 -s all.concat.mafft.trimal.phylip -q fw.filtered.u.fasta -r -j 8
papara -t ../RAxML_bestTree.all.concat.53 -s all.concat.mafft.trimal.phylip -q surface.filtered.u.fasta -r -j 8
papara -t ../RAxML_bestTree.all.concat.53 -s all.concat.mafft.trimal.phylip -q deep.filtered.u.fasta -r -j 8

Convert resulting alignments to fasta, and rename them to indicate the habitat.

cat papara_alignment.default | sed -e '1d' -e 's/^/>/g' -e 's/[[:blank:]]\+/\n/g' > papara_alignment.fasta

Visualise the alignment in ALiView for a sanity check. Do the short reads align to the V4 region? Remove any that align elsewhere.

4.4 Phylogenetic placement

Extract query sequences from the PaPaRa alignments.

cat soil.papara_alignment.clean.fasta | seqkit grep -r -p "asv" > soil.aligned.queries.fasta
cat fw.papara_alignment.clean.fasta | seqkit grep -r -p "asv" > fw.aligned.queries.fasta
cat surface.papara_alignment.clean.fasta | seqkit grep -r -p "asv" > surface.aligned.queries.fasta
cat deep.papara_alignment.clean.fasta | seqkit grep -r -p "asv" > deep.aligned.queries.fasta

We'll use the best ML tree from step 3 as the reference tree. In practice it doesnt matter so much.

Get model for EPA

raxml-ng --evaluate --msa all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta --tree RAxML_bestTree.all.concat.53.rooted.tre --model GTR+G --threads 8

Placement with EPA-ng!

epa-ng -s all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta -t RAxML_bestTree.all.concat.53.rooted.tre -q soil.aligned.queries.fasta --model all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta.raxml.bestModel -T 8
epa-ng -s all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta -t RAxML_bestTree.all.concat.53.rooted.tre -q fw.aligned.queries.fasta --model all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta.raxml.bestModel -T 8
epa-ng -s all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta -t RAxML_bestTree.all.concat.53.rooted.tre -q surface.aligned.queries.fasta --model all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta.raxml.bestModel -T 8
epa-ng -s all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta -t RAxML_bestTree.all.concat.53.rooted.tre -q deep.aligned.queries.fasta --model all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta.raxml.bestModel -T 8

Visualised the jplace files using iTOL.

We removed queries with high EDPL (which indicates sequences that were poorly placed).

Examine EDPL.

gappa examine edpl --jplace-path epa_result.soil.jplace --threads 2
gappa examine edpl --jplace-path epa_result.fw.jplace --threads 2
gappa examine edpl --jplace-path epa_result.surface.jplace --threads 2
gappa examine edpl --jplace-path epa_result.deep.jplace --threads 2

Get a list of poorly placed queries; i.e. with high EDPL (i.e. above 0.05). This list will be used later to filter out these poorly placed queries.

cat *edpl_list.csv | tr ',' '\t' | egrep "e-[0-9]" -v | grep -v "EDPL" | LC_ALL=C awk '$4 > 0.05' | cut -f2 > high_edpl.list

Calculate Earth mover's distance to see how distinct the habitats are.

gappa analyze krd --jplace-path deep.jplace soil.jplace surface.jplace fw.jplace

mothur "#tree.shared(phylip=matrix.csv)"

5 Inferring clade specific phylogenies with short- and long-read data

Infer trees for selected clades. These are clades with both terrestrial and marine sequences. Selected clades were:

Apicomplexa Bigyra Centroplasthelida Cercozoa Chlorophyta Choanoflagellata Ciliophora Cryptophyta Dinoflagellata Discoba Fungi Gyrista Haptophyta Ichthyosporea Perkinsea

Put this list in a file called clades.txt.

5.1 Extract queries/short-read sequences for each clade

Using the placement files, we can extract the short-read sequences for each respective clade. Here we will discard any sequences placed in the "wrong" clade e.g. sequences labelled as "Apicomplexa" placed in "Excavata".

First get reference (i.e. PacBio long-read) tips for each clade. These which will be fed to gappa to extract the sequences placed on that particular clade.

## Get tips for each clade
cat clades.txt | while read line; do python scripts_infer_clade_trees/get_tip_labels_from_clade.py RAxML_bestTree.all.concat.53.rooted.tre $line > "$line".tips; done

## Add clade label to each sequence so for each clade, we get a tsv with the second column corresponding to clade name.
for i in *tips; do clade=$(echo $i | cut -f1 -d '.'); cat $i | sed -E "s/(.*)/\1\t$clade/" > temp; mv temp $i; done

## Put together
cat *tips > all.clades.tips

Now filter all query sequences based on EDPL.

cat soil.aligned.queries.fasta fw.aligned.queries.fasta surface.aligned.queries.fasta deep.aligned.queries.fasta > all.aligned.queries.fasta

cat all.aligned.queries.fasta | seqkit grep -f high_edpl.list -v > all.aligned.queries.filtered.fasta 

Now get per clade jplace and fasta files.

gappa prepare extract --jplace-path epa_result.soil.jplace --clade-list-file all.clades.tips --fasta-path all.aligned.queries.filtered.fasta --point-mass --threads 4 > soil.log
gappa prepare extract --jplace-path epa_result.fw.jplace --clade-list-file all.clades.tips --fasta-path all.aligned.queries.filtered.fasta --point-mass --threads 4 > fw.log
gappa prepare extract --jplace-path epa_result.surface.jplace --clade-list-file all.clades.tips --fasta-path all.aligned.queries.filtered.fasta --point-mass --threads 4 > surface.log
gappa prepare extract --jplace-path epa_result.deep.jplace --clade-list-file all.clades.tips --fasta-path all.aligned.queries.filtered.fasta --point-mass --threads 4 > deep.log

Retain only those short Illumina sequences that are placed there (i.e. remove all amoebozoa from groups like Bigyra etc.).

cat Cercozoa.fasta | seqkit grep -r -p "Cercozoa" > Cercozoa.queries.fasta
cat Fungi.fasta | seqkit grep -r -p "Fungi" > Fungi.queries.fasta

Make a folder for each clade

cat clades.txt | while read line; do mkdir $line; done

5.2 Infer clade trees

First, make files with taxa from clade of interest and outgroup, in order to extract clade and outgroup from the best tree

bash get_clade_outgroup.sh

Extract subtree from global euk phylogeny to serve as the backbone constraint.

for i in */; do clade=$(echo $i | tr -d '/'); python scripts_infer_clade_trees/get_tip_labels_from_subtree.py RAxML_bestTree.all.concat.53.rooted.tre "$clade".txt > "$i$clade".tips; done

Get ref alignment for each clade. And get queries for each clade.

for i in */; do clade=$(echo $i | tr -d '/'); cat all.concat.mafft.trimal.fasta | seqkit grep -r -f "$i$clade".tips > "$i$clade".fasta; done 

## Cat together ref and query fasta file
for i in */; do clade=$(echo $i | tr -d '/'); cd $i; cat *fasta > "$clade".ref.queries.fasta; cd ..; done

## Remove illegal characters
for i in */; do clade=$(echo $i | tr -d '/'); cd $i; cat "$clade".ref.queries.fasta | tr ';' '_' > temp; mv temp "$clade".ref.queries.fasta; cd ..; done

Set up trees!! An example is shown below.

for i in $(seq 100); do raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-SSE3 -s Centroplasthelida.ref.queries.fasta -m GTRCAT -n Centroplasthelida.${i}.tree -T 7 -p ${i} -r Centroplasthelida.tre; done

Then root trees and remove outgroup for analyses. An example is shown for Bigyra.

### Bigyra
#### Root at Gyrista
for i in RAxML_bestTree*; do python scripts_infer_clade_trees/root_at_clade.py $i Gyrista rooted."$i"; done
#### Extract Bigyra
for i in rooted.RAxML_bestTree*; do python scripts_infer_clade_trees/extract_clade.py $i Bigyra Bigyra."$i"; done

6 BayesTraits analyses

These analyses were carried out by following the BayesTraits manual: http://www.evolution.reading.ac.uk/BayesTraitsV3.0.2/Files/BayesTraitsV3.0.2Manual.pdf. We carried out several preliminary analyses (including exploring prior settings) before setting up final analyses.

6.1 Analyses on global eukaryotic phylogeny

6.1.1 Model test on global eukaryotic phylogeny

Model tests were carried out on a randomly chosen global phylogeny and replicated several times. Trees were arbitrarily rooted at Amorphea.

BayesTraits expects the phylogeny to be in nexus format so we first have to convert newick trees to nexus trees.

for i in rooted.amorphea*; do python scripts_transitions/newick_to_nexus.py $i "$i".nex; done

BayesTraits also requires a datafile, which is a tsv listing the trait state for each taxon.

Finally, BayesTraits requires a commands file that specifies the priors, no. of generations in the Markov chain, the burn-in, etc. Two different commands file were set up:

  1. No clades specified, i.e., qMT (instantaneous rate of transition from marine to terrestrial) and qTM (vice versa) are constant throughout the phylogeny. Note that qMT and qTM are allowed to be unequal. This is the homogeneous model.
  2. Clades specified according to rank4 in PR2-transitions. This is the heterogeneous model.

We used a stepping stone sampler to estimate the marginal log likelihoods under the simple, homogeneous model, and the more complex, heterogeneous model. The command files are shown below.

Homogeneous model command file with stepping stone sampler


RevJumpHP exp 0 2

Stones 50 5000


Hetergenous model command file with stepping stone sampler
This file is too large to be replicated here but I show a truncated version.


AddTag ApicomplexaTag <list of sequences in Aplicomplexa>
AddTag BigyraTag <list of sequences in Bigyra> 
AddTag CentroplasthelidaTag <list of sequences in Centroplasthelida>
AddTag CercozoaTag <list of sequences in Cercozoa>
AddTag ChlorophytaTag <list of sequences in Chlorophyta>
AddTag ChoanoflagellataTag <list of sequences in Choanoflagellata>
<and so on>

AddPattern Apicomplexa ApicomplexaTag
AddPattern Bigyra BigyraTag
AddPattern Centroplasthelida CentroplasthelidaTag
AddPattern Cercozoa CercozoaTag
AddPattern Chlorophyta ChlorophytaTag
AddPattern Choanoflagellata ChoanoflagellataTag
AddPattern Ciliophora CiliophoraTag
AddPattern Cryptophyta CryptophytaTag
AddPattern Dinoflagellata DinoflagellataTag
AddPattern Discoba DiscobaTag
AddPattern Discosea DiscoseaTag
AddPattern Fungi FungiTag
AddPattern Gyrista GyristaTag
AddPattern Haptophyta HaptophytaTag
AddPattern Metazoa MetazoaTag
AddPattern Perkinsea PerkinseaTag
AddPattern Streptophyta StreptophytaTag

RevJumpHP exp 0 2

Stones 50 5000


The marginal likelihoods were compared with the following formula:

Log Bayes Factors = 2(log marginal likelihood complex model – log marginal likelihood simple model) 

This revealed the complex, heterogeneous model to be a much better fit, indicating that habitat transition rates vary strongly across eukaryotic clades.

It was still interesting to investigate whether qMT and qTM showed any pattern at the global scale. We therefore ran BayesTraits with the following commands file:


RevJumpHP exp 0 2

BurnIn 2000000
Iterations 5000000


6.1.2 Ancestral state reconstruction

We calculated ancestral habitats of major eukaryotic clades as well as the last eukaryotic common ancestor. This was done using the hetergenous model. Analyses were run thrice to check for convergence. We also tested two different rooting positions: Amorphea and Discoba. To speed up/parallelize the process, for each condition, I set up 100 BayesTraits runs, one for each tree, and then compiled the results at the end.

6.2 Analyses on clade specific phylogenies

6.2.1 Absolute transition rates

Getting absolute transition rates (as shown in Figure 2a of the manuscript)

cat clades.txt | while read line; do mkdir $line; done

Make a folder for each clade. Copy, or link the tree files from step 5.2 into the folders.

Get taxa list from each tree to get datafile for each tree.

for i in */*tree; do python transitions_scripts/get_tip_labels_from_tree.py $i > "$i".taxa; done

Create datafiles.

for i in */*taxa; do cat $i | sed -E 's/(.*freshwater.*)/\1\tT/' | sed -E 's/(.*soil.*)/\1\tT/' | sed -E 's/(.*surface.*)/\1\tM/' | sed -E 's/(.*deep.*)/\1\tM/' > "$i".datafile; done

Convert trees to nexus format

for i in */*tree; do python scripts_transitions/newick_to_nexus.py $i "$i".nex; done
for i in */*nex; do cat $i | tr -d "'" > nex; mv nex $i; done

Commands file:


RevJumpHP exp 0 2

BurnIn 500000
Iterations 1000000
Sample 500


Get absolute transition rates!

for i in *tree; do BayesTraitsV3.0.2-Linux/BayesTraitsV3 "$i".nex "$i".taxa.datafile < ../commands.txt; done

Get the results bit of the file

for i in */*datafile.Log.txt; do clade=$(dirname ${i}); awk '/500500/,EOF { print $0 }' $i >> "$clade".Log.rates.txt; done

Add header line on top

for i in *Log.rates.txt; do header=$(grep "Lh" Apicomplexa/Apicomplexa.rooted.RAxML_bestTree.Apicomplexa.9.tree.taxa.datafile.Log.txt); awk -v x="$header" 'NR==1{print x} 1' $i > tmp; mv tmp $i; done

6.2.2 Normalised transition rates

Run BayesTraits to get normalised transition rates irrespective of direction.

The analysis is the same as before but with the NormaliseQMatrix command added to the commands file.

7 PastML analyses

To find the relative timing of transitions events we use PastML. However, we first need to convert the phylogenies to chronograms.

Convert phylogenies into ultrametric trees using Pathd8.

Add sequence length at the beginning of each tree file. For this, create a file called sequence_length.txt.

cat sequence_length.txt
Sequence length = 7160; 
for i in */*tree; do cat sequence_length.txt $i > "$i".pathd8.in; done

Run PATHd8!

for i in */*pathd8.in; do PATHd8 $i "$i".out; done

Remove input files now.

for i in */*pathd8.in; do rm $i; done

Get the tree/chronogram from the output.

for i in */*out; do out=$(echo $i | sed -E 's/pathd8.in.out/dated/'); grep "d8 tree" $i | sed -E 's/d8 tree    : //' > $out; done

Remove the pathd8 output to save space.

for i in */*pathd8.in.out; do rm $i; done

Now run PASTML on the chronograms following the manual. The output files need to be formatted though so that they can be parsed by ETE. This is done as follows:

## Format to remove the annotations at the node so that ete is happy with newick files
for i in */*/named.tree*; do cat $i | sed -E 's/n[0-9]+\:/\:/g' | sed -E 's/root//g' > "$i".ete; done

Calculate no. of transitions.

for i in */*/*ete; do clade=$(echo $i | sed -E 's/([^/*])\/.*/\1/'); python scripts_transitions/transition_counter_MT_conservative.py $i >> "$clade"/"$clade".transition_counts_MT_conservative.txt; done
for i in */*/*ete; do clade=$(echo $i | sed -E 's/([^/*])\/.*/\1/'); python scripts_transitions/transition_counter_TM_conservative.py $i >> "$clade"/"$clade".transition_counts_TM_conservative.txt; done

...and timing of transitions.

for i in */*/*ete; do clade=$(echo $i | sed -E 's/([^/*])\/.*/\1/'); python scripts_transitions/transition_time_MT_conservative.py $i >> "$clade"/"$clade".transition_time_MT_conservative.txt; done
for i in */*/*ete; do clade=$(echo $i | sed -E 's/([^/*])\/.*/\1/'); python scripts_transitions/transition_time_TM_conservative.py $i >> "$clade"/"$clade".transition_time_TM_conservative.txt; done

Put these together and plot in R.