
Easy activity tracking for models - similar to Github's Public Activity

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

PublicActivity Build Status Dependency Status

public_activity provides smooth activity tracking for your ActiveRecord and Mongoid 3 models in Rails 3. Simply put: it records what has been changed or created and gives you the ability to present those recorded activities to users - in a similar way to how GitHub does it.

Table of contents

  1. Example
  1. Upgrading
  2. Setup
  3. Gem installation
  4. Database setup
  5. Model configuration
  6. Custom activities
  7. Displaying activities 1. Activity views 2. i18n
  8. Documentation
  9. Help


Here is a simple example showing what this gem is about:

Example usage

Online demo

You can see an actual application using this gem here: http://public-activity-example.herokuapp.com/feed

The source code of the demo is hosted here: https://github.com/pokonski/activity_blog

Upgrading from pre-0.4.0

If you are using versions earlier than 0.4.0 please click here or scroll to the "Upgrading" section at the bottom of this README.


Gem installation

You can install public_activity as you would any other gem:

gem install public_activity

or in your Gemfile:

gem 'public_activity'

Database setup

By default public_activity uses Active Record. If you want to use Mongoid as your backend, create an initializer file in your Rails application with this code inside:

# config/initializers/public_activity.rb
PublicActivity::Config.set do
  orm :mongoid

(ActiveRecord only) Create migration for activities and migrate the database (in your Rails project):

rails g public_activity:migration
rake db:migrate

Model configuration

Include PublicActivity::Model and add tracked to the model you want to keep track of:

For ActiveRecord:

class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
  include PublicActivity::Model

For Mongoid:

class Article
  include Mongoid::Document
  include PublicActivity::Model

And now, by default create/update/destroy activities are recorded in activities table. This is all you need to start recording activities for basic CRUD actions.

Optional: If you don't need #tracked but still want the comfort of #create_activity, you can include only the lightweight Common module instead of Model.

Custom activities

You can trigger custom activities by setting all your required parameters and triggering create_activity on the tracked model, like this:

@article.create_activity key: 'article.commented_on', owner: current_user

See this entry http://rubydoc.info/gems/public_activity/PublicActivity/Common:create_activity for more details.

Displaying activities

To display them you simply query the PublicActivity::Activity model:

# notifications_controller.rb
def index
  @activities = PublicActivity::Activity.all

And in your views:

<% @activities.each do |activity| %>
  <%= render_activity(activity) %>
<% end %>

Note: render_activity is a helper for use in view templates. render_activity(activity) can be written as activity.render(self) and it will have the same meaning.


You can also pass options to both activity#render and #render_activity methods, which are passed deeper to the internally used render_partial method. A useful example would be to render activities wrapped in layout, which shares common elements of an activity, like a timestamp, owner's avatar etc:

<% @activities.each do |activity| %>
  <%= render_activity(activity, :layout => :activity) %>
<% end %>

The activity will be wrapped with the app/views/layouts/_activity.erb layout, in the above example.

Important: please note that layouts for activities are also partials. Hence the _ prefix.

Activity views

Since version 0.4.0 you can use views to render activities. public_activity looks for views in app/views/public_activity, and this is now the default behaviour.

For example, if you have an activity with :key set to "activity.user.changed_avatar", the gem will look for a partial in app/views/public_activity/user/_changed_avatar.(erb|haml|slim|something_else).

Hint: the "activity." prefix in :key is completely optional and kept for backwards compatibility, you can skip it in new projects.

If a view file does not exist, then p_a falls back to the old behaviour and tries to translate the activity :key using I18n#translate method (see the section below).


Translations are used by the #text method, to which you can pass additional options in form of a hash. #render method uses translations when view templates have not been provided.

Translations should be put in your locale .yml files. To render pure strings from I18n Example structure:

    create: 'Article has been created'
    update: 'Someone has edited the article'
    destroy: 'Some user removed an article!'

This structure is valid for activities with keys "activity.article.create" or "article.create". As mentioned before, "activity." part of the key is optional.


Read this if you have been using versions older than 0.4.

There are a couple of major differences between 0.3 and 0.4 version. To upgrade, follow these steps:

  1. Add include PublicActivity::Model above tracked method call in your tracked models, like this:


    class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
      include PublicActivity::Model


    class Article
      include Mongoid::Document
      include PublicActivity::Model
  2. public_activity's config YAML file is no longer used (by default in config/pba.yml). Move your YAML contents to your config/locales/*.yml files.

    IMPORTANT: Locales are no longer rendered with ERB, this has been removed in favor of real view partials like in actual Rails apps. Read Activity views section above to learn how to use those templates.

  3. (ActiveRecord only) Generate and run migration which adds new column to activities table:

    rails g public_activity:migration_upgrade
    rake db:migrate


For more customization go here

Useful examples


If you need help with using public_activity please visit our discussion group and ask a question there:


Please do not ask general questions in the Github Issues.


Copyright (c) 2012 Piotrek Okoński, released under the MIT license