
Small CLI to update the ip of a DNS A record in Cloudflare

Primary LanguageGo

Cloudflare DNS IP Updater

Small CLI tool that updates the A record with the public facing ip for a particular DNS record



Using the zone id the DNS record is retrieved and the content is updated to the latest public ip

  cloudfare-dns [command]

Available Commands:
  delete       delete the DNS record with <dns-record-name>
  help         Help about any command
  list-records list DNS records present in zone <zoneName>
  update       Update a type A DNS record found in the given <zoneId> with the public IP
  version      displays version information

  -h, --help           help for cloudfare-dns
  -t, --token string   Cloudflare API token file

Use "cloudfare-dns [command] --help" for more information about a command.

The Token file

This tool uses an API Token to communicate with the Cloudflare API. The tool reads the API Token from a given file and the file should have either 400 or 600 permissions set. Otherwise the tool will not use the token file and fail.


Create a file with the API token

echo "MY TOKEN" >> token

Set the permissions

chmod 0600 token

Running the tool

All commands require the token file and it is therefore a global flag. Meaning it's a required flag that should be provided before a command as specified, example:

cloudflare-dns -t token command

Each command has it's own required and optional commands which can be seen by executing the command together with the -h flag as per the following example:

cloudflare-dns -t token delete -h
Delete the DNS record with <dns-record-name> that is inside zone with <zone-name>

  cloudfare-dns delete [flags]

  -r, --dns-record-name strings   Name of the DNS record
  -h, --help                      help for delete
  -z, --zone-name string          Name of the Zone the DNS record resides in

Global Flags:
  -t, --token string   Cloudflare API token file

Update and missing records

The update command allows one to update multiple records with either a manual IP specified on the command line, or the tool with dynamically discover the public ip. The update command has the following help output

Using the zone id the DNS record is retrieved and the content is updated to the latest public ip

``Using the zone id the DNS record is retrieved and the content is updated to the latest public ip

  cloudfare-dns update [flags]

  -r, --dns-record-names strings   Name of one or more DNS records. If more than one record is specified separated them with a comma
  -h, --help                       help for update
      --ip string                  Set the content of the dns record to this ip
      --ttl int                    TTL (in seconds) to set on the DNS record (default 3600)
  -z, --zone-name string           Name of the Zone the DNS record resides in

Global Flags:
  -t, --token string   Cloudflare API token file

Notice that the flag -r,--dns-record-name accepts strings, which means it accepts multiple values separated by a ,. This allows one to update multiple subdomains as per the following example:

cloudflare-dns -t token update -r test,media,files -z burmudar.dev
Locating DNS record: test.burmudar.dev ...NOT FOUND
--- Creating DNS Record ---
ZoneID....: d8e42ceecc223f1db02246f959ca741f
Name......: test.burmudar.dev
Type......: A
Proxied...: false
Priority..: 10
TTL.......: 3600
Locating DNS record: media.burmudar.dev ...FOUND
--- Current DNS Record ---
ID........: adda54f06cd2a92ac8e51f1271058d01
ZoneID....: d8e42ceecc223f1db02246f959ca741f
ZoneName..: burmudar.dev
Name......: media.burmudar.dev
Type......: A
Proxiable.: true
Proxied...: false
TTL.......: 300
Locked....: false
Created...: <nil>
Modified..: <nil>
AutoAdd.......: false
ManagedByApps.: false
ManagedByArgo.: false
Source........: primary
DNS Record [A media.burmudar.dev] content already contains:
Locating DNS record: files.burmudar.dev ...FOUND
--- Current DNS Record ---
ID........: 0391aa76c0335c6ea9b28669b00226b3
ZoneID....: d8e42ceecc223f1db02246f959ca741f
ZoneName..: burmudar.dev
Name......: files.burmudar.dev
Type......: A
Proxiable.: true
Proxied...: false
TTL.......: 3600
Locked....: false
Created...: <nil>
Modified..: <nil>
AutoAdd.......: false
ManagedByApps.: false
ManagedByArgo.: false
Source........: primary
DNS Record [A files.burmudar.dev] content already contains:

As can be seen by the previous example, by specifying -r test,media,files the tool expanded the records to be fully qualified and then updated each dns record. Another IMPORTANT thing to note: When a DNS record is NOT FOUND, the update command will CREATE the dns record! This happend in the previous example with test. Currently this behaviour CANNOT BE TURNED OFF but will be optional in the next release!