
AngularJS with Vim

Primary LanguageRuby


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Some niceties for using Vim with the AngularJS framework. See the screencast.

The canonical "what editor should I use for Angular?" post pretty squarely lands on Webstorm/IntelliJ as the peoples' choice (12 people), but Vim is right there tied for second place along with NetBeans and Sublime (four people each as of April, 2014) in this super-scientific analysis. And don't make me quote Tim Pope on which editor is forever.

Shoulders of giants

The reddit "how do I make vim do angular?" post is largely summarized in the documentation that follows, but as folks pointed out, Angular is just javascript and html, and vim does really nicely with these already. These other plugins will also make your life easier when working with angular projects:

  • pangloss/vim-javascript - "Vastly improved Javascript indentation and syntax support in Vim."
  • othree/javascript-libraries-syntax.vim - "Syntax for JavaScript libraries," including Angular. This is the hotness you want to autocomplete ng-repeat et al. in your html.
  • matthewsimo/angular-vim-snippets - "repo for UltiSnips & Snipmate for angular to be included as a submodule for use in your .vim directory." ngfor<tab> ftw. The honza/vim-snippets plugin is one library you can use to make this and other library-specific snippets work.
  • claco/jasmine.vim - "Jasmine Plugin for Vim," making your unit testing experience more excellent
  • scrooloose/syntastic.git - "Syntax checking hacks for vim": excellent syntax checking for everything, including javascript and html. Install jshint globally (npm install -g jshint) and syntastic will get to work checking your javascript the right way (if your project already has a .jshintrc for use with grunt, it will even use that).

So why was this plugin written at all? I'm glad you asked!


Switch to test file and vice versa


A, the "alternate" file, has been mapped to take you from your code to the corresponding test file, or from your test file to the corresponding implementation file. For example, if you're in app/js/rock-socks.js, and you hammer :A, you will be taken to test/spec/rock-socks.js, if such a file exists. Some other common directory structure conventions in the angular community, such as app/src and test/unit, are also supported.

If the convention you use doesn't work out of the box, you can specify your source and/or test directory in your .vimrc like this:

let g:angular_source_directory = 'app/source'
let g:angular_test_directory = 'test/units'

If there is a common convention that you feel should really work out of the box, feel free to file a pull request to make it work (please include a test to prove that it works).

If you don't want to use the alternate functionality, set this before the plugin loads:

let g:angular_skip_alternate_mappings = 1

Jump to definition of service/directive/controller/etc


"Go to file" has been slightly overriden to take you to the definition of the file under your cursor. If you're reading some code like this...

if (true) {

...and your cursor is on AwesomeService, and you hammer gf, if there is a file called awesome-service.js somewhere in a subdirectory of your path, you will be taken there. The default behavior of gf can also be quite useful in the context of an angular app, since file paths appear in views (with ng-include src="full/path.html) and directives (with templateUrl: 'src/myapp/modules/main/views//prompt-list.html', so an attempt has been made to allow this to work as well. If all that is missing from a template path is the "app" directory (which is a common value for "cwd" in Gruntfile.js, the plugin will add this for you as well. If either of these two things don't work for your use case, file a ticket, figure out why and file a pull request, or use ctags.

Results can be filtered by specifying exclusions in your .vimrc like this:

let g:angular_find_ignore = ['build/', 'dist/']

It does work in at least some cases regardless of whether your filenames are dasherized (likeABoss or LikeABoss goes to like-a-boss.js), camelcased (likeABoss.js), or titlecased (LikeABoss.js).

Run the current spec

If you're writing jasmine unit tests for your angular app, they look like this:

it('should work', function() {
  var actualThing = 'cow';

Now, if you take that "it" prefix, and replace it with "fit", instead of running your entire suite, it will run JUST THAT ONE SPEC. There are probably bad reasons to want to do this, like if your build is broken and you want to ignore the failures, but it can be pretty handy to focus in on just one spec at a time (and one spec generally runs way fast).

So, if you're anywhere inside a spec:


or the "run spec" mapping:


will toggle the spec between "it" and "fit." This works especially well if you have a karma watch going, as shown in the screencast.

You are able to do the same with a describe block using the run block command:


or the corresponding mapping:


If you're running jasmine 1 instead of jasmine 2, you will need to use iit and ddescribe instead of fit and fdescribe. To make that happen, tell vim-angular that you are using jasmine 1 in your .vimrc like this:

let g:angular_jasmine_version = 1

Syntastic syntax checker customization

You know how you use syntastic to check your syntax as you edit, because it works for pretty much any language and is awesome? When you use angular directives (like ng-app, ng-repeat, and even library directives like ui-view), the html tidy check will complain. This is fixed out of the box.

Use the same mechanism to make syntastic aware of your own directives by specifying exclusions in your .vimrc like this:

let g:syntastic_html_tidy_ignore_errors = ['proprietary attribute "myhotcompany-']

Some angular directives can also be used as custom elements (i.e. ng-include, ng-form). These are added to the list of allowed tags by default. In order to make syntastic recognize your additional blocklevel tags define them in your .vimrc before the plugin is loaded:

let g:syntastic_html_tidy_blocklevel_tags = ['myCustomTag']


  • Using Pathogen, run the following commands:

      % cd ~/.vim/bundle
      % git clone git://github.com/burnettk/vim-angular.git
  • Using Vundle, add the following to your vimrc and then run :PluginInstall

      Plugin 'burnettk/vim-angular'

Once help tags have been generated, you can view the manual with :help angular.


Like vim-angular.vim? Follow the repository on GitHub and vote for it on vim.org. And if you're feeling especially charitable, follow me on Twitter and GitHub.


Copyright (c) Kevin Burnett. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license.