
An informative and fancy bash prompt for Git users

Primary LanguageShell

Informative git prompt for bash and fish

This prompt is a port of the "Informative git prompt for zsh" which you can find here

A bash prompt that displays information about the current git repository. In particular the branch name, difference with remote branch, number of files staged, changed, etc.

(an original idea from this blog post).

gitstatus.sh added by AKS.


The prompt may look like the following:

Example prompt

  • (master↑3|✚1): on branch master, ahead of remote by 3 commits, 1 file changed but not staged
  • (status|●2): on branch status, 2 files staged
  • (master|✚7…): on branch master, 7 files changed, some files untracked
  • (master|✖2✚3): on branch master, 2 conflicts, 3 files changed
  • (master|⚑2): on branch master, 2 stash entries
  • (experimental↓2↑3|✔): on branch experimental; your branch has diverged by 3 commits, remote by 2 commits; the repository is otherwise clean
  • (:70c2952|✔): not on any branch; parent commit has hash 70c2952; the repository is otherwise clean

Prompt Structure

By default, the general appearance of the prompt is::

(<branch> <branch tracking>|<local status>)

The symbols are as follows:

  • Local Status Symbols
    • : repository clean
    • ●n: there are n staged files
    • ✖n: there are n unmerged files
    • ✚n: there are n changed but unstaged files
    • …n: there are n untracked files
    • ⚑n: there are n stash entries
  • Branch Tracking Symbols
    • ↑n: ahead of remote by n commits
    • ↓n: behind remote by n commits
    • ↓m↑n: branches diverged, other by m commits, yours by n commits
  • Branch Symbol:
    When the branch name starts with a colon :, it means it's actually a hash, not a branch (although it should be pretty clear, unless you name your branches like hashes :-)


  • Clone this repository to your homedir e.g. git clone https://github.com/magicmonty/bash-git-prompt.git .bash-git-prompt
  • Source the file gitprompt.sh from your ~/.bashrc config file:
   # some other config in .bashrc

   # gitprompt configuration

   # Set config variables first

   # as last entry source the gitprompt script
   source ~/.bash-git-prompt/gitprompt.sh
  • Go in a git repository and test it!


  • The default colors and some variables for tweaking the prompt are defined within gitprompt.sh, but may be overridden by copying git-prompt-colors.sh to your home directory at ~/.git-prompt-colors.sh. This file may also be found in the same directory as gitprompt.sh, but without the leading ..

  • You can use GIT_PROMPT_START_USER, GIT_PROMPT_START_ROOT, GIT_PROMPT_END_USER and GIT_PROMPT_END_ROOT in your .git-prompt-colors.sh to tweak your prompt. You can also override the start and end of the prompt by setting GIT_PROMPT_START and GIT_PROMPT_END before you source the gitprompt.sh

  • The current git repo information is obtained by the script gitstatus.sh or gitstatus.py. Both scripts do the same thing, but the bash script is a tad more quick, and is used by default. If you prefer the python script (possibly because you have enhanced it), simply delete or change the name of gitstatus.sh.

  • You can define prompt_callback function to tweak your prompt dynamically.

function prompt_callback {
    if [ `jobs | wc -l` -ne 0 ]; then
        echo -n " jobs:\j"
  • If you want to show the git prompt only, if you are in a git repository you can set GIT_PROMPT_ONLY_IN_REPO=1 before sourcing the gitprompt script

  • You can show an additional indicator at the start of the prompt, which shows the result of the last executed command by setting GIT_PROMPT_SHOW_LAST_COMMAND_INDICATOR=1 before sourcing the gitprompt script

  • It is now possible to disable the fetching of the remote repository either globally by setting GIT_PROMPT_FETCH_REMOTE_STATUS=0 in your .bashrc or on a per repository basis by creating a file named .bash-git-rc with the content FETCH_REMOTE_STATUS=0 in the root of your git repository.

  • You can get help on the git prompt with the function git_prompt_help. Examples are available with git_prompt_examples.


Alternative RPM Install

This project ships an RPM spec to simplify installation on RHEL and clones. If you wish to install from RPM, you may first build the RPM from scratch by following this procedure:

  • Clone this repository and tag the release with a version number
    git tag -a -m "Tag release 1.1" 1.1
  • Run the following command to create a tarball:
    VER1=$(git describe)
    # replace dash with underscore to work around
    # rpmbuild does not allow dash in version string
    git archive                                \
        --format tar                           \
        --prefix=bash-git-prompt-${VER}/       \
        HEAD                                   \
        --  *.sh                               \
            *.py                               \
            *.fish                             \
            README.md                          \
      > bash-git-prompt-${VER}.tar
    mkdir -p /tmp/bash-git-prompt-${VER}
    sed "s/Version:.*/Version:        ${VER}/"          \
        bash-git-prompt.spec                            \
      > /tmp/bash-git-prompt-${VER}/bash-git-prompt.spec
    cd /tmp
    tar -uf ${OLDDIR}/bash-git-prompt-${VER}.tar      \
    cd ${OLDDIR}
    gzip bash-git-prompt-${VER}.tar
    mv bash-git-prompt-${VER}.tar.gz bash-git-prompt-${VER}.tgz
  • Log into an RHEL or clones host and run:
rpmbuild -ta bash-git-prompt-xxx.tar.gz

Then you may publish or install the rpm from "~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch".