- 2
Deprecated selector in `atom-monokai\index.less`
#18 opened by crapcrab - 7
Colorful display stopped working on all file types after updating from 10.4 t0 10.7
#13 opened by captain-awesome - 1
Pane.addItem is deprecated.
#17 opened by nextdevz - 5
Markdown almost no color.
#16 opened by gluons - 1
colors of theme not change
#14 opened by leoalmeidasant - 2
Not Working
#15 opened - 5
Deprecated selector in `atom-monokai/index.less`
#12 opened by adimol - 4
Failed to activate the atom-monokai theme
#9 opened by anshumanf - 1
Comment show up as white on minimap
#11 opened by erfanio - 1
Colorless .support syntax
#10 opened by nicktimko - 0
Should expose a syntax-variables.less file
#8 opened by braver - 5
One Dark UI Editor White Scrollbars
#7 opened by gungorbudak - 1
- 2