
Advanced programming and algorithmization in C++⚔️

Primary LanguageC++

📚 My Advanced C++ University Projects: Algorithms, Data Structures, and More! 📚

🙌🏽 Greetings! 🙌🏽

This repository showcases my university projects where I applied knowledge of algorithms, data structures, dynamic programming, and the theory of automata and grammars in C++. 💻

👨🏽‍💻 What I Learned: 👨🏽‍💻

  • In-depth Algorithm Analysis: 🔬
    • Mastered the analysis of algorithm complexity. ⏱
    • Developed the ability to select optimal algorithms for different tasks. 🧠
  • Data Structure Expertise: 🗃
    • Studied a wide range of data structures and their applications.
    • Implemented structures efficiently for performance gains. 🛠
  • Dynamic Programming Mastery: 🔁
    • Grasped DP principles and problem-solving techniques. 🏆
  • Automata and Grammar Theory: 🧠
    • Learned about finite automata, regular expressions, and grammars. 🤖
    • Understood their applications in text processing, data compression, and parsing. ⌨️
  • Complex Data Structure Knowledge: 🌐
    • Acquired proficiency in handling complex data structures such as trees, graphs, and hash maps.
  • Search Algorithm Expertise: 🔍
    • Explored various search algorithms, including depth-first search (DFS), breadth-first search (BFS), Dijkstra algorithm, greedy algorithms, etc. 🗺️
  • Sorting Algorithm Mastery: 🔄
    • Demonstrated expertise in implementing and understanding sorting algorithms like QuickSort, MergeSort, HeapSort, TopSort, etc. ⚙️

🗝️ Key Learnings: 🗝️

  • Problem Decomposition: 🧐
    • Breaking down problems into smaller, solvable subproblems.
  • Code Optimization: 🚀
    • Enhancing code efficiency and minimizing time complexity.
  • Ideal Data Structure Selection: 🗃
    • Evaluating and choosing the most suitable structures based on the task.
  • Dynamic Programming Approach: 🔁
    • Solving problems with overlapping subproblems for optimal outcomes.
  • Automata and Grammar Applications: 🔍
    • Utilizing theory for text processing, data compression, and compilation.

🗃️ Repository Structure: 🗃️

  • Folders: 📁
    • Each folder represents an individual project.
  • Files: 💾
    • ... .cpp: Source code implementations.
    • README.md: Detailed project descriptions.

😁 Explore my work! I welcome feedback. 😁