
A robust backend API for managing university classroom reservations, built with Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, and Docker, ensuring efficient database interactions and seamless containerized deployment 🏫

Primary LanguagePython

Classroom-Manager REST API Flask Project 🏫

Project Overview 📝

The Classroom-Manager project is designed as a robust educational resource management system, featuring:

  • Purpose: Facilitate the management of educational resources within academic institutions, such as classrooms, departments, and user accounts.
  • Core Feature: High-quality RESTful API that allows for efficient management of user records, classes, and classroom bookings.
  • Target Audience: Ideally suited for schools and universities looking to digitize and streamline their resource allocation and scheduling processes.
  • API Functionality: Provides a scalable and secure interface for developers to integrate and extend functionalities seamlessly.
  • Technology Stack: Utilizes modern technologies including Flask for the backend, SQLAlchemy for ORM, and PostgreSQL as the database.

How to Run the Application 🔧

To get the application up and running, follow these steps:

  1. Setup with Docker:
  • Clone the repository to your local machine.
  • Navigate to the backend directory of the project.
  • Use Docker Compose to build and run the containers:
    docker-compose up -d
  1. Running the Application:
  • Access the backend services via localhost:6200/docs where you can interact with the API through its Swagger documentation.

How to Stop the Application 🔌

To stop and remove the application containers, use the following Docker Compose commands:

  • Stopping the application:

    docker-compose stop
  • Removing the application:

    docker-compose down

Architecture 🔍

The backend architecture of Classroom-Manager is designed around a clean separation of concerns, promoting maintainability and scalability:

  • Presentation Layer (/routes): Manages API endpoints, serving as the interface that receives requests and sends responses.
  • Business Logic Layer (/services): Processes data, applying business rules and handling operations like user authentication, resource management, etc.
  • Data Access Layer (/repositories & /models): Responsible for database interactions, ensuring data integrity and providing an abstraction layer over direct database manipulations.

Key Directories 📍

  • /migrations: Contains database migration scripts.
  • /src: The heart of the application where the main logic resides.
    • /app: The core application folder.
      • /repositories: Contains code interacting with the database.
      • /models: Defines the data models.
      • /orm: Object-relational mapping setup.
      • /serializations: Code for serializing and deserializing data.
      • /routes: Defines the endpoints of the API.
      • /services: Business logic of the application.

Technologies 🌐

  • Flask: A lightweight framework for building web applications in Python.
  • SQLAlchemy: An ORM tool for database operations, enhancing code maintainability and security.
  • JWT Libraries: Handling authentication using JSON Web Tokens.
  • Docker: Containerization of the application ensuring consistent environments.
  • PostgreSQL: The primary relational database used for storing all application data.

API Capabilities 💡

  • User Management: Register, authenticate, update, and manage user profiles.
  • Department Management: Create, update, delete, and retrieve departments within an organization.
  • Building Management: Handle operations related to building resources including CRUD operations.
  • Classroom Management: Manage classrooms, including scheduling and booking functionalities.
  • Request Management: Handle booking requests for classrooms, managing approvals and rejections.

Database Interaction 🗃

The application uses PostgreSQL as its database. The ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) provided by SQLAlchemy abstracts the SQL layer, offering a high-level interface for database operations. The repository pattern further encapsulates the logic needed to access data sources, ensuring that the business logic is not dependent on database specifics.

Docker Configuration 🐳

The application runs in Docker containers. The docker-compose.yml file orchestrates multiple services:

  • Flask Application Container: Hosts the Flask application.
  • PostgreSQL Container: Manages the database service, isolated from the application logic.