
2D Game in Pygame with plenty of mechanics 🎮

Primary LanguagePython

Brave Heart Game 🛡️❤️

Project Structure: 📁

  • game/: Contains all the game-related files and assets.
    • audio/: Holds game audio files.
    • creatures/: Logic and attributes for game creatures.
    • graphics/: Contains graphical assets.
    • layouts/: Contains layout CSV files.
    • level/: Manages level-specific logic.
    • tests/: Contains test scripts.
    • ui/: User interface components.
    • utils/: Utility scripts.
    • weapons/: Weapon logic and attributes.
    • main.py: Main script to run the game.
  • README.md: This README file providing an overview of the project.
  • burakole.pdf: Documentation related to the project.
  • requirements.txt: Lists all the Python dependencies needed to run the game.

Technology Stack: 🔍

  • Language: Python
  • Libraries: Pygame for game development, PyAutoGUI for handling automation and GUI interactions
  • Tools and Techniques:
    • Graphics Handling: Pygame for rendering 2D graphics and managing animations.
    • Sound Management: Pygame for playing sound effects and background music.
    • Collision Detection: Pygame's built-in functions for handling collisions between game objects.
    • Event Handling: Pygame for managing user inputs and game events.
    • Game Loop: Core loop to keep the game running and updating.
    • Automation: PyAutoGUI for automating tasks within the game.

What is it capable of? 🚀

Brave Heart is a 2D game featuring various mechanics such as:

  • Character Movement: Smooth and responsive controls for the player.
  • Enemy AI: Enemies with basic artificial intelligence.
  • Level Progression: Multiple levels with increasing difficulty.
  • Interactive Elements: Collectibles, obstacles, and power-ups.
  • User Interface: Menus, HUDs, and in-game notifications.
  • Sound Effects: Background music and sound effects to enhance gameplay.
  • Automation: Using PyAutoGUI to automate certain game actions for testing purposes.

About the Project: 📜

Brave Heart is a 2D game developed using Python, Pygame, and PyAutoGUI. The game features various levels, character interactions, and a detailed user interface. The project showcases skills in game development, including game logic, asset management, and user interface design.

Concepts Implemented: 📗

Game Mechanics 🕹️

  • Player Controls: Implementing smooth and responsive controls for the player character.
  • Enemy Behavior: Designing basic AI for enemy characters.
  • Collision Detection: Managing interactions between game objects.

Asset Management 🎨

  • Image Handling: Loading and displaying game sprites.
  • Sound Management: Incorporating background music and sound effects.

Game Design 🛠️

  • Level Design: Creating engaging and challenging levels.
  • UI Design: Designing intuitive menus and HUDs for better user experience.

How to Run the Game: 🕹️

My game can be run on any Linux distribution or macOS system. To start, you need to go to the game/ folder, since the program modules are looking for a relative path from this directory. After that, use the command to run main.py.

cd game
python3 main.py