- Eat pills
- Once all the initial pills are gone, battle mode commences until 1 player left standing.
- Increase point value of pills as remaining quantity decreases
- pills start off at 1. every pill eaten increases by 1 point.
- return {ateAPill, newLocation} from /move
- once all pills are eaten, it changes to battle mode
- when attcking, the each player's health is reduced by the other play's health.
- If you health ever becomes <= 0, you die.
- when you die, you drop a pill worth 50% on the cell you just vacated
- respawn pills on a random interval at a random location for a random point value
- add a /board endpoint returning state of board [{location, pillValue, playerId}]
- Add an automatic game timer that continually restarts the game every x minutes
- Add logic to automatically boot any players that didn't move during the last game
- One round of p v p
- One round of single automated vs single automated
- One(?) round battle royale, no holds barred - you program it, you run it (max 64 clients per contestant)
- Rate limit 10 actions / second (maybe something like this?)
- Fog of war, only return the 20 cells in every direction
- Remove the /board endpoint, you only get board status as a response from a valid action
- Not two separate rounds, but let people attack immediately
- Allow multiple occupants per cell
- Separate /move /eat and /attack commands
- Variable pill values
- Every call to /eat only gets you 1 point. Deduct remaining value of pill by 1. Allows for concurrent eating of a single pill by multiple players
- Everyone loses x points every y amount of time
- Add different power-ups
- invincibility for y seconds
- speed mode - doubles your action rate
- poison pills
- super eater - every call to /eat gets 5x points for y seconds
- Add a coding challenge hall of fame on engineering.snow.edu, include winners for game of life, risk, hungry game v1 and add to that