
An Ansible playbook that sets up an Ubuntu-based home media server.

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An Ansible playbook that sets up an Ubuntu-based home media server.

Assumes a fresh install of Ubuntu Server 20.04 on the host, and an Ubuntu-based distro on the client machine (for playbook configuration and running).


The following services are included:

  • Jellyfin: An open-source media-hosting service with a clean multiplatform client.
  • Radarr: Indexer for movies.
  • Sonarr: Indexer for TV.
  • Bazarr: Indexer for subtitles.
  • Prowlarr: Indexer manager for "-arr" services.
  • arch-delugevpn: BitTorrent client with support for OpenVPN and Wireguard killswitch.
  • Syncthing: A continuous P2P file synchronization program.
  • Portainer: Container management GUI for Docker.
  • Homer: A static, easily customizable homepage for services.


Update and upgrade packages (reboot if necessary), and install Ansible:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install ansible

Generate an ssh key to the host (accepting defaults). Replace the email, port number, host IP address, and username with your stuff:

ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/homeserver -C youremail@example.com
ssh-copy-id -p 1111 -i ~/.ssh/homeserver host_username@

Clone this repo on the client.

git clone https://github.com/dukeofjukes/homeserver

Create a vars.yml file for your host to override variables in ./group_vars/all/vars.yml.

mkdir -p group_vars/YOUR_HOSTNAME/
cp ./group_vars/all/vars.yml ./group_vars/YOUR_HOSTNAME/
vi ./group_vars/YOUR_HOSTNAME/vars.yml

Create a host file with these contents:

YOUR_HOSTNAME ansible_host= ansible_port=1111 ansible_user=host_username ansible_connection=ssh ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/home/client_username/.ssh/homeserver

Run the playbook:

ansible-playbook run.yml -K

Note: The -K parameter is only necessary for the first run, since the playbook configures passwordless sudo.

For later runs, you may only want to update certain ansible roles. To do so, you can run the playbook like this, using tags from run.yml:

ansible-playbook run.yml --tags"containers"

Extra Configuration

Certain containers require extra configuration outside of running the playbook in order to work properly. Those configurations are listed here.

Before starting the container, place a wireguard configuration file (e.g. wg0.conf) from your VPN in ~/docker/delugevpn/config/wireguard/. The container will fail to start without this file.


  • Thanks to notthebee for their infra repository and their YouTube videos that sent me down this rabbit hole in the first place. Lots of code is "borrowed" from their ansible playbook.

  • Thanks to TRaSH Guides for their extremely helpful Radarr and Sonarr custom format/profile guides.