
Backend - REST API creada en NodeJS usando Express, MongoDB y middlewares personalizados.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How I worked on this project

  • My goal was to create a good backend structure, to learn MongoDB, learn JWT and to write middlewares.
  • I tested the endpoints with a http client (Insomnia).

How to navigate this project

  • The server is a class and it's initialization is run sequencially in the constructor : Example code.
  • The database and server run with properties only found in environment variables: Example code.
  • Some folders feature an index file for better readability of import statements: Example code.

If I had more time I would change this

  • I would improve the middlewares structure to make them more modular and reusable as I did in this other project.
  • Create a frontend to better show this project.
  • Improve the overall structure of files for better quality of code and code readability.

Available Scripts

Please remember to install the dependecies before trying to run the project npm i

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run start

Executes node on the index.js file.