
Time series database

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

ShakaDB build-badge

ShakaDB is a simple, fast and lightweight time series database. It has been developed to hold financial data, but can be used to store any time series data.

ShakaDB data model

In ShakaDB all data is organized into data series. Each data series has a numerical id (for example 1, 33, 9778). It is up to the user what data is stored in each data series. There is no upfront need of defining schema, just start writing to ShakaDB and the engine will create all time series for you.

Each data series is responsible for storing data points. They are defined as a (time: int64, value: float) pairs. ShakaDB makes no assumptions about the semantical meaning of time or value. Time can be days, microseconds from a certain point or just an ID of an event. The only assumption is that they are stored in ascending order and for best performance should arrive to the database in this order.


What dependencies? It's lightweight, remember? (ok, ok - pthreads are required...)

Getting started

The easiest way of starting with ShakaDB is to download a package from the release page. Currently only Linux packages are available, but the application is also tested and compatible with OSX.

To start the database please execute the shakadb command. This starts the application with default settings. By default the application data directory is set to be /usr/local/shakadb/data but this can be changed by specifying the --directory parameter. Please make sure the user who is running the database has write permissions on the directory. For more details on configuration please see shakadb --help

When the database is started the easiest way of connecting is using shakadb.client application. Please see shakadb.client --help for more details.

To write some data to the database please execute

shakadb.client localhost 8487 write 1 10 100

This will write data point (10, 100) into the time series with id of 1

to read the data please execute

shakadb.client localhost 8487 read 1 0 100

This will retrieve all data points from the series 1 between timestamps of 0 and 100 (inclusive of 0, exclusive of 100).

Building from scratch

To build the application from scratch the following tools are required

  • cmake >= 3.2.2
  • gcc or any other C compiler
  • ruby
  • rake
  • bundler

The build process is managed by a rake file and there are following targets

  • build_binaries - builds the source code
  • run_tests - builds the source code and runs all unit tests
  • build_packages - builds, tests and creates installation packages. To run this step cpack, rpm and deb tools are required.

The binaries can be found in ./build/bin folder.