
UmlCanvas is an implementation around the HTML5 Canvas that allows generation of UML diagrams. Two interfaces are provided: an OO Javascript API and a textual DSL.

Primary LanguageC#BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

by Christophe VG <contact@christophe.vg>
Copyright 2009-2011, Christophe VG


UmlCanvas is an implementation around the HTML5 Canvas that allows
generation of UML diagrams. A Mediawiki extension is provided to allow
editors to just enter the commands required to generate the
diagrams. Two interfaces are provided: an OO Javascript API and a
textual DSL in the form of a UML profile for ADL, the Application
Definition Language.

* Try it out now !

Download a complete source archive containing everything you need to play with
UmlCanvas, including the sources from github:


Unzip the archive and open:


* Ready to dive into the code.

If you want to change and contribute things, you can checkout the git 
repository locally. You'll probably need a Unix-type of environment with a lot
of common tools like make, (ub)zip, touch, wget, java,...

$ git clone git://github.com/christophevg/UmlCanvas.git
Cloning into UmlCanvas...
Resolving deltas: 100% (673/673), done.

$ cd UmlCanvas

$ make
*** checking dependencies
    (if you get errors in this section the cmd right before
     the error, is not found in your PATH)
*** building build/UmlCanvas.standalone.min.js
*** building build/UmlCanvas.css

Open the index.html file from the examples/ directory and take a look around.

* Roadmap

I'm currently working on the foundations of UmlCanvas: Canvas2D, which is also
hosted on my GitHub account. Development is done in the "next" branch and if
you check it out, you'll see that a lot is changing. Once that effort is done,
I'll be updating UmlCanvas to use all of the new goodies.