
Duplicate and run live databases, any size, instantly !

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Duplicate and run live databases, any size, instantly !

DISCLAIMER This project is not supported anymore, this was an internal project released as "giftware". Do what you want with it ! It won't see any major changes except maybe a few bugfixes or documentation upgrades. It will be replaced by a much more advanced project called "Replikant" that will be released ... when it's done ;)


Replikator is bash script which can create instant running replicas from a living MySQL database, whatever it's size.

What could be the use cases ? Well ... depends on your needs but you can imagine plenty of them :

  • development process with instant copy of databases to provide to your dev teams (much quicker than doing dumps/restore)
  • CI process with dynamic environments when testing feature branches (associate the new code with a real database)
  • reproducing bugs with real data/volumetry in sandboxed environments
  • snapshoting for backup/point in time recoveries
  • queries optimization
  • database modifications playground (run alter scripts on real data without damaging your production DB and estimating running time)
  • whatever you may imagine ...


Replikator don't have many requirements except :

  • any MySQL server version (tested with 5.5, 5.7 and 8.0 but should work identical with MariaDB)
  • ZFS and a ZFS zpool (the faster storage type you can get, the better)
  • Bash
  • (optional) an external MySQL server to replicate (if running in SLAVE mode)
  • (optional) Vagrant (for testing/develoment purpose)

Getting started

Before anything else, it is important to have the glossary in mind :

  • replikator-ctl : a bash script managing a "replikator" system.
  • replikator : a "replikator" is a server (bare metal or VM) running a MySQL (or MariaDB) service with its data stored on a ZFS storage pool and executinf the "replikator-ctl" script.
  • base process : the main MySQL/MariaDB instance running on a "replikator", this is the MySQL/MariaDB instance from which we will create "instant replicas".
  • replica : a "replica" is a newly instanciated running copy of a "base process" instance.
  • backup replica : a stopped replica that is used for backup/point in time recovery purpose. These replicas are always done in "safe mode".
  • safe/normal/unsafe mode : depending on the selected mode, a new replica can take more or less time to be instanciated and you could potentially lose some data in the process (typically the last second or the last transaction).
  • external source : a third party MySQL/MariaDB server acting as a MASTER in a SLAVE mode scenario.

Even if installing the script is easy, Replikator needs a specific host setup to work properly.