
This is the old DFTCalc repo from FMT

Primary LanguageC++

===================================================================================================================== DFTCalc: A Dynamic Fault Tree calculator for reliability and availability

DFTCalc calculates the failure probability of a DFT by making use of the compositional semantics of I/O-IMCs. In this process it docks on several state-of- the-art tools and languages: All leaves and gates of the input DFT are expressed by I/O-IMCs with the process algebra language Lotos NT; CADP is used to efficiently compose the individual I/O-IMCs; and the model checker mrmc or IMCA finally calculate the failure probability for a certain point in time. The following section describes how DFTCalc aligns all these tools and formats to orchestrate the analysis of a DFT.

DFTCalc takes as input a DFT in Galileo’s textual format. This intuitive format describes a DFT top-down from its root to the basic components. Each subtree is identified by a name, logically connected with other subtrees by gates, and then refined down to the basic components. On execution, DFTCalc processes a given DFT in various stages and analyzes the system’s reliability. The tool’s output is a quantification of this attribute which is expressed as either the failure probability for a given mission time or the mean time to failure.

===================================================================================================================== Supported systems

  • GNU/Linux (tested on Ubuntu, Debian)
  • MacOS X (tested on 10.9, needs a seperate build of imc2ctmdp if MRMC is used)
  • Windows may work with use of cygwin (not tested)

===================================================================================================================== Build Dependencies

We list the external libraries and tools which are required to build this software.

CADP See the CADP website on how to obtain a license and download the CADP toolkit.

Coral/imc2ctmdp Download Coral containing a 64bit binary version of imc2ctmdp for Linux from here. If you experience problems or need a source version of imc2ctmdp please contact us. Since the 2015 version of CADP you have to compile imc2ctmdp yourself. You can get the code from [here] (https://github.com/buschko/imc2ctmdp).

MRMC Backend Download MRMC from the MRMC homepage.

IMCA Backend Download the most recent IMCA version from github and visit for more information the IMCA homepage.

===================================================================================================================== Installation

Create Makefiles $ cmake

Build $ make

Install $ make install