
This assignment was about writing some shell scripts: Our program has a Menu including all our shell scripts and an exit option. After user selects an option, script takes an input and execute selected script as: ./ “args1”

  1. First shell script controls whether the given input is palindrome or not.
  2. Second script takes an optional pathname and creates a directory names ‘cprogs’ under given path and move all of the files ends with .c under given path to this directory.
  3. Third script draws a hollowed square with the given integer arguments. The first argument must be greater than the second one. Greater one being side of outer square and the other one being the side of the inner square.
  4. This script searchs for the words that matches with the given wildcard inside all the files whose name ends with .txt under current working directory and change them with their uppercase versions. If program is run with two arguments, program search same as above case but under the given pathname.
  5. This script finds all the files whose size zero under current directory and ask to delete them. If user gives a pathname argument, program will find all the files whose size is zero under given path and ask to delete them.