Brad Traversy - React Front To Back 2022 - 05 - Support Desk

  • Section 17: MERN Project Start, API & Backend Authentication
  • Section 18: Frontend Authentication
  • Section 19: Tickets Functionality
  • Section 20: Notes Functionality & Deploy


The project is a full stack application, that allows users to register, login, create helpdesk tickets, close tickets, and communicate with customer service by making notes under the tickets. The customer service side login, and handling tickets is not included in the project.

I'm looking for contributors to develop the customer service side of the project

I opened an issue for discussion, if anyone would be interested in doing some team work, practising to do pull requests, contributing to someone else's repository, reviewing code in pull requests, etc... You can find the issue here.

Yes, I could do it myself, but I already have 150+ repositories I've built myself, and very little experience in working with others, so I tought I'd give it a try.


Used Tools:

  • Frontend:
    • React.js
    • Redux toolkit
  • Backend:
    • Express.js server
    • Authentication
    • MongoDB - Mongoose

Mayor changes:

Environment variables:

  • Create a file named .env and set these variables:
    • NODE_ENV - development
    • PORT - server's port number
    • MONGO_DB_CONNECT - Moingo DB connection string
    • JWT_SECRET - JSON Web Token Secret string
