
Flixx app adapted to use Netlify cloud functions as a proxy and hide API key.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Flixx App

Movie info application built with vanilla JavaScript that uses version 3 of the TMDB API

Adapted from a project in Brad Traversy's Modern JS From The Beginning 2.0 course to use Netlify cloud functions to proxy the requests and so hide the API key from the client.

This includes the most popular movies and TV shows with detail pages, a search box for movies and shows with full pagination and a slider for movies that are currently playing in theaters. The slider uses the Swiper library.


Install the Netlify CLI globally on your system.

npm i -g netlify-cli

Clone or download this project and then register for a free API key at https://www.themoviedb.org/settings/api

Once you get your key, create a .env.local file in the root of the project with the following...


Install functions dependencies

cd functions
npm i

Run Netlify CLI in the project root

netlify dev

Deploying to Netlify

  • Connect your Netlify account to your Github account
  • Create a repository for the project on Github
  • From your Netlify panel choose Add new site -> import an existing project
  • Choose Github
  • Find your Flixx app repository
  • In Settings set your env variables
  • Add a build command of npm i --prefix functions