
Backend to facilitate re-checking a Pokemon spawn with an event ticket account.


  • NodeJS v12.0
  • RealDeviceMap installation
  • New database for GoFestController (i.e. gfc, gfcdb, etc..)
  • Run the schema.sql migration file against your new GoFestController database


1.) Clone respository: git clone https://github.com/versx/GoFestController --recursive
2.) Change directory to cloned folder: cd GoFestController
3.) Install dependencies: npm install
4.) Create config from example: cp src/config.example.json src/config.json
5.) Edit/fill out config: vi src/config.json
6.) Start npm run start
7.) Add GoFestController endpoint to RDM webhook urls i.e. http://gfcip:5150

Importing Accounts

1.) Create .csv file with event accounts to import i.e. accounts.csv (Format: username,password)
2.) Start account importer npm run import -- /path/to/accounts.csv


If you'd like to use the same/one database for everything, change the database sections in the config.json to match the same info.


    // Host interface to listen on
    "interface": "",
    // Listening port for backend
    "port": 5150,
    // Minimum account level to use
    "minLevel": 30,
    // Maximum account level to use
    "maxLevel": 40,
    // Instance name
    "instanceName": "GoFest-Test",
    // Custom IV filter list to re-check Pokemon against
    "filters": [
        { "atk": 15, "def": 15, "sta": 15 },
        { "atk": 0, "def": 15, "sta": 15 },
        { "atk": 0, "def": 15, "sta": 14 },
        { "atk": 0, "def": 14, "sta": 15 },
        { "atk": 0, "def": 14, "sta": 14 },
        { "atk": 1, "def": 15, "sta": 15 },
        { "atk": 1, "def": 15, "sta": 14 },
        { "atk": 1, "def": 14, "sta": 15 },
        { "atk": 1, "def": 14, "sta": 14 },
        { "atk": 0, "def": 0,  "sta": 0 }
    // Geofences to restrict re-checking incoming RDM webhooks, specify Geofence names to only check data for that area or leave empty i.e `[]` for no area restriction
    "geofences": [],
    // RealDeviceMap database
    "db": {
        // RealDeviceMap database information
        "rdm": {
            // Database IP address/FQDN
            "host": "",
            // Database listening port
            "port": 3306,
            // Database account username
            "username": "user123",
            // Database account password
            "password": "pass123",
            // Database name
            "database": "rdmdb",
            // Database character set
            "charset": "utf8mb4"
        // GoFestController database information
        "gfc": {
            // Database IP address/FQDN
            "host": "",
            // Database listening port
            "port": 3306,
            // Database account username
            "username": "user123",
            // Database account password
            "password": "pass123",
            // Database name
            "database": "gfcdb",
            // Database character set
            "charset": "utf8mb4"
    // Relay webhook
    "webhooks": {
        // Set to true to enable webhook relays for rechecked Pokemon
        "enabled": false,
        // Webhook endpoint to send payload to
        "urls": [],
        // Delay before sending next webhook payload
        "delay": 5

Available Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description
GET / Incoming RDM webhooks endpoint
GET | POST /raw Incoming GFC raw data endpoint
GET | POST /controler Support for typflo controller endpoint to control devices
GET | POST /controller Support for controller endpoint to control devices
GET /tasks Table of queued tasks
POST /test Test endpoint for GFC webhook relay