
A terraform module to easily stand up a fargate service

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Do you have a single container web service that needs to be stood up in a hurry? Does your boss need you to deploy this Wordpress site yesterday? We got you covered. With easy-fargate-service you can quickly and simply deploy a service using AWS Fargate.


  • Sane Defaults
  • Load balanced out of the box
  • Can optionally provision a CloudFront distribution for your application
  • Configurable scaling
  • Looks up Default VPC/Subnets/etc unless told otherwise
  • Supports EFS and WAF
  • Supports multiple containers
  • Scheduled on/off



  • VPC and ECS Cluster (AWS default will do!)
  • A docker image
  • An ACM cert (only a prerequisite if you want to run the service over HTTPS)



  • family - A unique name for the service family; Also used for naming various resources.
  • container_definitions - List of {name, image} at minimum. If using more than 1 container, must also define portMappings = [{ containerPort = <port> }] on the container to be reached by the load balancer. See AWS documentation for more the complete list of settings. See the examples directory for different implementation examples.


Fargate Task and Service Configuration
  • cluster_name - The name of the ECS cluster where the Fargate service will run. Default is the default AWS cluster.
  • enable_execute_command - Enable executing command inside a container running in Fargate service. Default is false.
  • log_group_name - The name of the log group. By default the family variable will be used.
  • log_group_retention_in_days - The number of days to retain the log group. By default logs will never expire.
  • log_group_region - The region where the log group exists. By default the current region will be used.
  • task_cpu - How much CPU should be reserved for the container (in aws cpu-units). Default is 256.
  • task_memory - How much Memory should be reserved for the container (in MB). Default is 512.
  • task_cpu_architecture - The task CPU architecture (e.g. X86_64, ARM64); Only supported on platform version 1.4.0.
  • container_port - Port the container listens on. Default is 80 (only valid with single container configurations, if using more then one container the port will need to be defined with your container definitions).
  • platform_version - The ECS backend platform version; Defaults to 1.4.0 so EFS is supported.
  • task_policy_json - A JSON formatted IAM policy providing the running container with permissions. By default, no permissions granted.
Container volume ocnfiguration
  • efs_configs - List of {file_system_id, root_directory, container_path, container_name} EFS mounts.
  • nonpersistent_volume_configs - List of {volume_name, container_name, container_path} non-persistent volumes
Deployment and Scaling Configuration
  • desired_capacity - The desired number of containers running in the service. Default is 1.
  • max_capacity - The maximum number of containers running in the service. Default is same as desired_capacity.
  • min_capacity - The minimum number of containers running in the service. Default is same as desired_capacity.
  • scaling_metric - A type of target scaling. Needs to be either cpu or memory. Default is no scaling.
  • scaling_threshold - The percentage in which the scaling metric will trigger a scaling event. Default is no scaling.
  • health_check_path - A relative path for the services health checker to hit. Default is /.
  • health_check_healthy_threshold - The number of consecutive health checks successes required before considering an unhealthy target healthy. Defaults to 10.
  • health_check_unhealthy_threshold - The number of consecutive health check failures required before considering the target unhealthy. Defaults to 10.
  • health_check_timeout - The amount of time, in seconds, during which no response means a failed health check. Defaults to 2.
  • health_check_interval - The approximate amount of time, in seconds, between health checks of an individual target. Defaults to 30.
  • health_check_matcher - The HTTP codes to use when checking for a successful response from a target. Defaults to 200-399.
  • deregistration_delay - The amount time for Elastic Load Balancing to wait before changing the state of a deregistering target from draining to unused. The range is 0-3600 seconds. The default value is 20 seconds.
  • deployment_maximum_percent - Upper limit on the number of running tasks that can be during a deployment. Default is 200.
  • deployment_minimum_healthy_percent - Lower limit percentage of tasks that must be reporting healthy during a deployment. Default is 100.
  • enable_deployment_rollbacks - Turn on rollbacks for deployments. This means that if a deployment fails, it will roll back to the previous version. Defaults to false, but true is the recommended setting for production environments.
  • wait_for_steady_state - Configure terraform to wait for ECS service to be deployed and stable before terraform finishes. Note that Fargate deployments can take a remarkably long time to reach a steady state, and thus your terraform deployment times will increase by a few minutes. Defaults to false, but true is recommended for production environments.
Network and Routing Configuration
  • vpc_id - The VPC Id in which resources will be provisioned. Default is the default AWS vpc.
  • private_subnet_ids - A set if subnet Id's. If configured will be associated with the Fargate service. If not configured and public_subnet_ids contains value they will be associated instead. If no public or private subnet Id's are passed to the module then the VPCs default subnets will be used and the ALB will be public-facing.
  • public_subnet_ids - A set of subnet Id's. If configured will be associated with the ALB. If not configured and private_subnet_ids contains value the ALB will be internal-facing. If no public or private subnet Id's are passed to the module then the VPCs default subnets will be used and the ALB will be public-facing.
  • security_group_ids - A set of additional security group ID's that will associated to the Fargate service network interface. Default is [].
  • alb_security_group_ids - A set of additional security group ID's that will associated to the ALB. Configuring these will override the default security group ingress rules. Default is [].
  • certificate_arn - A certificate ARN being managed via ACM. If provided we will redirect 80 to 443 and serve on 443/https. Otherwise traffic will be served on 80/http.
  • hosted_zone_id - The hosted zone ID where the A record will be created. Required if certificate_arn is set.
  • service_fqdn - Fully qualified domain name (www.example.com) you wish to use for your service. Must be valid against the ACM cert provided. Required if certificate_arn is set.
  • route53_allow_overwrite - Set the allow_overwrite property of the route53 record. If true, there will be no terraform import necessary for pre-existing records. Default is false.
  • alb_log_bucket_name - The S3 bucket name to store the ALB access logs in.
  • alb_log_prefix - Prefix for each object created in ALB access log bucket.
  • alb_idle_timeout - Idle Timeout configuration for ALB. Defaults to 60. If behind a CloudFront, maximum request time is 60 seconds. If not behind CloudFront, and your application has long-running requests, you might need to increase this timeout.
  • use_cloudfront - When true this module will attempt to provision a CF distribution. If a certificate_arn is used then both hosted_zone_id and service_fqdn will be required. Otherwise the default CF certificate is used. Default is false
  • cloudfront_blacklist_geo_restrictions - A set of alpha-2 country codes. Request originating from these countries will be blocked and all other will be allowed. Must either use cloudfront_blacklist_geo_restrictions or cloudfront_whitelist_geo_restrictions but not both. By default a blacklist is used but no countries will be blocked.
  • cloudfront_whitelist_geo_restrictions - A set of alpha-2 country codes. Request originating from these countries will be allowed and all other will be blocked. Must either use cloudfront_blacklist_geo_restrictions or cloudfront_whitelist_geo_restrictions but not both. By default a blacklist is used but no countries will be blocked.
  • cloudfront_origin_custom_headers - A set of custom headers (name/value pairs) that will be passed to the origin. Typically used to pass a secret header and value to an ALB with a WAF to prevent connections directly to the ALB except when this secret header and value are present.
  • global_waf_acl - Global Web Application Firewall ID that will be applied to the CloudFront distribution. For wafv1, provide the WAF ID. For WAFv2 provide the ARN. By default no association will be made.
  • regional_waf_acl - Regional Web Application Firewall identifier. For wafv1, provide the WAF ID. For WAFv2 provide the ARN. By default no association will be made. description = "Optional; Regional Web Application Firewall identifier. For wafv1, provide the WAF ID. For WAFv2 provide the ARN."
  • cloudfront_log_bucket_name - The S3 bucket name to store the CF access logs in. By default no logs will be stored.
  • cloudfront_log_prefix - Prefix for each object created in CF access log bucket. By default no prefix will be used.
  • listeners - The ALB listener port configuration. By default port 80 will be forwarded unless a certificate is provided then port 80 will redirect to port 443 which will then be forwarded. Here are some examples of listener configurations.
  • ipv6 - Boolean to enable ipv6 on the ALB and Route53. Ensure your VPC is configured to be ipv6 compatible before enabling. Defaults to false.
  • alb_sticky_duration - Optional; Enables ALB sticky sessions and sets the time to the value; default is disabled
  • alb_sticky_cookie_name - Optional; Sets the ALB sticky type to app_cookie and the cookie name to the value; default is empty, which sets sticky type to lb_cookie
Lights On/Off
  • lights_on_schedule_expr - Expression that will trigger an event to restore max/min capacity back to configured settings. Defaults to "". See Application AutoScaling Schedule for details.
  • lights_off_schedule_expr - Expression that will trigger an event to set max/min capacity to zero. Defaults to "". See Application AutoScaling Schedule for details
  • schedule_timezone - IANA Timezone in which to base at and cron schedule expressions. Defaults to "UTC". See Time Zone List

All tags are optional maps of key-value pairs, and default to empty

  • tags - Tags to apply to all resources

  • tags_ecs - Tags to apply to all ecs resources

  • tags_ecs_task_definition - Tags to apply to the task definition

  • tags_ecs_service - Tags to apply to the ECS service

  • tags_security_group - Tags to apply to the security groups

  • tags_alb - Tags to apply to ALB resources

  • tags_alb_tg - Tags to apply to the ALB target group

  • tags_cloudfront - Tags to apply to CloudFront

  • tags_iam_role - Tags to apply to the IAM Roles

  • tags_ecs_service_enabled - Enable/Disable all tags on ECS Service to avoid conflicts with Accounts/Clusters using the old ARN formats. Defaults to true, adding tags to all ecs services


Working examples

See the examples directory for some working terraform examples using different features

Simple Example

With this module you can deploy an http Fargate service with just two(2) variables. Yeah you heard that right, TWO VARIABLES. But be warned, this is as basic as it gets. Be warned that the container is publicly accessible to the internet, so use this method with caution! We can't advise it but we can't help but emphasize the easy in easy-fargate-service.

The following example deploys a single container Fargate service on port 80 on the AWS default vpc:

module "my-ez-fargate-service" {
  source             = "USSBA/easy-fargate-service/aws"
  version            = "~> 4.0"
  family             = "my-ez-fargate-service"
  container_image    = "nginx:latest"

Realistic Example

An example with multiple containers, scaling configured, environment variables, and secrets sitting behind a CloudFront distribution:

module "my-ez-fargate-service" {
  source             = "USSBA/easy-fargate-service/aws"
  version            = "~> 4.0"
  family             = "my-ez-fargate-service"
  container_image    = "nginx:latest"
  cluster_name       = "my-ecs-cluster"
  desired_capacity   = 2
  max_capacity       = 4
  min_capacity       = 2
  scaling_metric     = "cpu"
  scaling_threshold  = 75
  vpc_id             = "vpc-1234abcd"
  private_subnet_ids = ["subnet-11111111", "subnet-22222222", "subnet-33333333"]
  public_subnet_ids  = ["subnet-44444444", "subnet-55555555", "subnet-66666666"]
  certificate_arn    = "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:123456789012:certificate/12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890abcdef"
  hosted_zone_id     = "Z000000000000"
  service_fqdn       = "www.cheeseburger.com"
  use_cloudfront     = true
  cloudfront_header = {
    key   = "x-header-name"
    value = "12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890abcdef"
  container_environment = [
      name  = "FOO"
      value = "bar"
  container_secrets = [
      name      = "FOO_SECRET"
      valueFrom = "arn:aws:ssm:${local.region}:${local.account_id}:parameter/foo_secret"


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