
Nginx proxy topping pages with a BDE CSS style

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

The nginx-proxy-with-css sets up a container running nginx and [docker-gen][1]. docker-gen generates reverse proxy configs for nginx and reloads nginx when containers are started and stopped. For more details have a look at [Automated Nginx Reverse Proxy for Docker][2].


Start the nginx-proxy-with-css:

$ docker run -d -p 80:80 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro bde202/nginx-proxy-with-css

Start the containers you want to be proxied with the environment variable VIRTUAL_HOST=subdomain.youdomain.com

$ docker run -e VIRTUAL_HOST=foo.bar.com  ...

Configure the proxy

This Docker image is an extension of jwilder/nginx-proxy. Hence, all the configuration options of the jwilder/nginx-proxy image also apply on this image.

The containers being proxied must expose the port to be proxied, either by using the EXPOSE directive in the Dockerfile or by using the --expose flag on the docker run or docker create command.

Provided your DNS is setup to forward foo.bar.com to a host running the nginx-proxy-with-css container, the request will be proxied to the container with the VIRTUAL_HOST=foo.bar.com environment variable set.

Configure the CSS insertion

Configure the environment variable CSS_SOURCE on the service for which you want to activate the automatic insertion of a (or many) CSS in the proxied HTML pages. The value of the CSS_SOURCE must be one of:

  • flink
  • flink-dashboard
  • hadoop
  • hadoop-history-server
  • hadoop-node-manager
  • hadoop-resource-manager
  • hdfs
  • sextant
  • semagrow
  • solr
  • spark-master
  • strabon

This list will be extended in the future.

Adding a new CSS insertion

  1. Add your CSS files in the /extra-css directory.
  2. Insert some sub_filter rules in the nginx.tmpl file:
# This is where are located all the CSS insertions
{{ if (eq $css "inverted") }}
sub_filter '</head>' '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/extra-css/inverted.css"/></head>';
{{ end }}

# My own CSS for a specific service
{{ if (eq $css "myservice") }}
sub_filter '</head>' '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/extra-css/myservice/custom_style_override.css"/></head>';
{{ end }}

Then run your service with the environment variable CSS_SOURCE set to "myservice".