Milestones for The Long Dark

A very work-in-progress framework to allow The Long Dark modders to add mod-specific achievements. Note that I am extremely rusty and the following "code" may not be valid syntax.

Any suggestions, corrections, or otherwise should go into the Issues page.


Each achievements package is created by this mod, on instruction from other mods.


Each achievement is a "stone", short for milestone, with one or more being contained in a mod's modname.stones file. Here's how the initialization on the user-side is planned:

List<Stone> stones = new List<Stone>();

    "MaxProgress" // If MaxProgress is 1, no progress bar will be displayed on the menu.


CreateStones("myModID", stones);

Adding an icon is planned, with the icon being rendered in greyscale until a specific "stone" is unlocked.

Increment Progress

When we load the stones from the milestones directory, we need a way of updating a player's progress. Should be simple:

IncrementStoneProgress("modID", "stoneID");

If the stone progress is equal to the max progress, the stone is unlocked.

I am debating making it savegame-specific, but we shall see what comes of it.