
Error: Class 'character' is not a known index class.

edgBR opened this issue · 0 comments

edgBR commented

Dear colleagues,

I am trying to wrap the Anomalize pipeline in a custom function that I want to apply interactively to compare the input with a classification method.

The function is as follows:

CleaningAnomalies <- function(df, alpha_val, max_anoms) {
  df_test <- df %>% time_decompose(global_demand, method = "twitter") %>%
    anomalize(remainder, method = "gesd", alpha=alpha_val, max_anoms = max_anom_percentage) %>%

Then I call the function as follows and I get the displaying error:

my_df <- CleaningAnomalies(my_df, 0.05, 0.2)
Error: Class 'character' is not a known index class.
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In to_posixct_numeric.default(index) : NAs introduced by coercion
2: In to_posixct_numeric.default(index) : NAs introduced by coercion
Called from: glue_stop("Class '{class(x)}' is not a known index class.")

Whenever I apply the pipe directly it works like charm. When I try to debug it appears that it fails in the following step:

function (..., .sep = "") 
  stop(glue::glue(..., .sep, .envir = parent.frame()), call. = FALSE)

Does someone have any idea of why this is happening?