- alvinthaiSan Francisco, CA
- amrrs
- batpigandme@tidyverse
- benmarwickUniversity of Washington
- boerjames
- cderv
- DarkMatter88@Women-Who-Code-Kyiv
- davidskiCyentia Institute (@cyentia)
- Deerluluolivia
- derek-hardingEastman
- dgruenewPosit, PBC
- doug-friedmanRhode Island
- eyadsibai
- fcannini
- floresfdevCED | Independent Consultant
- flostrackeHamburg
- hrbrmstrGreyNoise Intelligence
- jiahui-zGoogle
- jmerkin
- justinjm@google
- lixionghuiShanghai, China
- MarkEdmondson1234@sunholo-data
- markusdumkeMunich, Germany
- modcheUniversity of Freiburg
- ndrhznOCP
- pyxelr@billennium
- rajagurunathindia
- systatsUniversity of Konstanz
- talegariGames24x7
- terrytangyuanRed Hat
- thistledown
- triplekill
- uriboTokushima University (徳島大学)
- widnyana@damarseta @redite
- zeyaddeebNew York, NY
- zhaoxiaohe