
STM32F103 and STM32F407 Discovery codes and algorithms examples.

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STM32F103 and STM32F407 Discovery codes and algorithms examples.

Algorithms' explanations:

1 - Led Blink: STM32F103 | Basic Led blink application.

2 - Input Led Blink: STM32F103 | I wasn't have a board so i couldn't add an external button. Because of this, I've wired up the input pin to the GND. This wiring cause an short circuit which also button does.

3 - UART Communication: STM32F407 | Basic UART communication example.

4 - UART Led Blink: STM32F407 | While button is pressed, led blinks and UART transmits button information.

5 - 3 Input 3 Output: STM32F407 | This project is created for a switching circuit.