Food Order App

This application consists of three pages.

  • One of them home page that shows foods taken from API.
  • Second one is details page that shows the food details.
  • And the last one is cart page that shows the foods in the cart.



This project follows MVVM architecture

API Calls

Using the following APIs:

  • [Kasım Adalan Yemek API]



  • View Binding - generates binding classes which hold reference to XML id'd elements
  • Recycler View - Displays lists of elements
  • Hilt - Dependency Injection library based on dagger
  • Jetpack Navigation - Navigation library
  • SafeArgs - Type safe navigation
  • Picasso - A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android
  • Lottie Files - Lightweight, scalable animations library



Splash Screen Login Page Home Page
Details Page Cart Page