Coin Ticker is a coin tracking application developed using Kotlin and powered by API data. In the app, users can track real-time information about various cryptocurrencies within the app. It provides up-to-date details such as coin prices, market capitalization, trading volume,and price trends. Try this app, developed with a modern approach, and step into the world of cryptocurrencies!
Within Coin Ticker, intensive work was carried out on the domain layer, which includes components such as dataUseCase and responseModelMapper. Additionally, the focus was on improving software development processes and implementing custom error handling strategies to enhance the application's reliability. As a result, the goal was to optimize the user experience and make it more reliable. This experience allowed for the development of custom error handling strategies and contributed to the project's success.
Made with Coingecko API, Google Firebase(Authentication, Firestore Database, Storage), Splash Screen, Dependency Injection(Hilt), Coroutines, Room DB, Retrofit, DataBinding, Base(Fragment, Adapter, ViewHolder),Material Design, Navigation Component(NavGraph, BottomNav, Drawer), MaterialSearchView, Glide, MVVM Architecture(Model, View, ViewModel), LiveData, Dark/Light UI mode, Tr/En language opt., Flow..