
Python code for disease spread simluation. NetworkX and Ndlib libraries were used.

Primary LanguagePython

Disease Spread Simulation on a Simple Lattice Network

Python code for disease spread simluation.

In order to set up the network, I have used Python programming language and NetworkX library. I have used Newman Watts Strogatz Graph from NetworkX library to set up ring lattice (I choosed rewiring coefficient as 0 to make it a ring lattice) and added an extra edge between vertices 0 and M, M being N/2, N being number of vertices. Different types of Network can be used from the NetworkX library easily By changing rewiring coefficient, the lattice becomes a small world network. It can be used for more realistic simulation.

After that for the simulation model I used Ndlib library. This library has epidemic models that can be used with created networks. I have used SI model with the lattice I have created before. It is possible to choose different beta value and infected nodes when initializing the model. I have choosed beta value as 0.01. SIR and other epidemic models can also be used easily.