
“Take Your Pills” is an Android application that allows the user to make an alarm schedule for their medicine which shows the properties and details of all medicine the user entered. The user is able to enter the details of the medicine they wish to add such as the name, amount taken in each use, amount in a single pack, and a picture. Name, amount taken in each use and picture are displayed when the alarm is called. This project is made as a term project for CS102 course in Bilkent University


Project Title:Take Your Pills

Description:Our project, “Take Your Pills” is an Android application that allows the user to make an alarm schedule for their medicine which shows the properties and details of all medicine the user entered. The user is able to enter the details of the medicine they wish to add such as the name, amount taken in each use, amount in a single pack, and a picture. Name, amount taken in each use and picture are displayed when the alarm is called.

Current Status:Finished, will be developed further.

Group Members:

Büşra Oğuzoğlu: Medicine class hierarchy, whole alarm system, data transfer through activities, ListView management in Schedule activity, Requirements & UI Report's Requirement and UI parts. Controller for whole application.

Doğa Gürgünoğlu: Medicine class hierarchy including medicines package. Whole alarm system and data transfer through entire project. Requirement and UI Report's Requirements parts. Controller for whole application.

Alper Şahıstan: Requirement and UI Report's UI parts. Design of the storyboard and UI of application. Improving alarm system by adding image view and ringtone. Saving data to internal storage (i.e. reading from and writing on files, IOStream management).

Buğra Aydın: Design of storyboard, UI part of the Requirements & UI Report

Amirabbas Kiani: UML diagrams in Detailed Design reports. Schedule activity.

Taylan Adıgüzeloğlu: Schedule activity. Detailed Design Report draft.


If the project does not open in Android Studio, paste the java classes into java-->package_name. Put xml files to res-->layout file. Replace the android manifest with the one present in this code. You can either use the AVD of the IDE or your own Android phone to run the app. (Warning: the app does not support API levels below 23, (6.0 Marshmallow))