
Executes (periodically) speedtest-cli and saves the result in a DB

Primary LanguagePython


Runs speedtest-db periodically and saves the results in a SQL DB.

You can make it run periodically by using the systemd files in the scripts folder.

This uses SQLAlchemy, so you can use any DB supported by SQLAlchemy.


The tutorial creates a postgres database called neteworky with a user call networky with password 1234. You can change this by setting an environment variable NETWORKY_DATABASE_URI, following SQLAlchemy Database URI patterns.

  1. Clone this project
  2. Go to the src folder and run pip install ..

3. Install postgres. In Ubuntu / debian this is sudo apt install postgresql. 3. Run in your terminal: ./scripts/create-db.sh to create the

database and user. You want to execute this with a user with access to the database. In Ubuntu / Debian this would be like sudo -u postgres bash scripts/create-db.sh
  1. Run the command networky setup to create the database tables.
  2. Run networky compute to perform the test and save it to the DB.

Executing periodically through systemd

If you have systemd in your system, you can execute networky periodically.

Checkout the files in the scripts folder and modify them to your taste. In a minimal configuration, you only have to correct the path in networky.service to the path where you cloned this repository, and then execute install-system.sh.

If you changed your database configuration, you can add the environment variable in the file systemd.run.sh, before executing networky compute.