
Primary LanguageScala

Smartcloud instance prices API

How to run


  • Java (>=8)
  • sbt


  • Run the server. Http port can be changed by config
sbt run

The API should be running on your port 8080 for default.

API endpoints

Instance kinds

  • URL: GET /instance-kinds
  • Success Response:
        "kind": "sc2-micro"
        "kind": "sc2-small"
... (ommitted)
        "kind": "sc2-hicpu-32"


Return prices of all instances. If kind is specified, the prices of the given instance kinds are returned.

  • URL: GET /prices
  • Parameters:
    • Optional:
      • kind=[string] : The value is one or multiple instance kinds. For multiple instance kinds, you can specify multiple instance kinds by comma separation. For example, /prices?kind=sc2-hicpu-32,sc2-small,sc2-micro
  • Success Response:
        "kind": "sc2-micro",
        "price": 0.301
        "kind": "sc2-small",
        "price": 0.561
... (ommited)
        "kind": "sc2-hicpu-32",
        "price": 0.925

Assumption and design


  • /prices should return multiple prices. It is not clear by the requirements but returning one prices is subset of multiple one so I hope this is fine.
  • 500 error of the smartcloud can be fixed in next 3 times calling the api.


  • One of smarcloud api calls returns 422 error, this api returns 422 error instead of returning prices partially. I choose this way because this way is simpler for callee of this API.
  • Set retry policy for http client without waiting
  • Use ApplicativeError instead Either. This is because of keeping original type.
  • Set errorHandle in the routes instead of getPrices and getInstanceKinds because we may forget to set errorHandle in the new route method if we add a new endpoint.
  • I did case ex : PriceService.Exception in the errorHandle because we can get exhaustive type checking benefit by sealed trait.