
Depricated - code moved to Goodies

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Code has moved to https://github.com/busterwood/Goodies



A low memory overhead read-through cache implemented using generations.

The design is layered so you can choose the functionality that you require:

  • Cache<TKey, TValue> is a thread-safe generational cache-aside class that you populate with data.
  • ConcurrentCache<TKey, TValue> extends Cache<TKey, TValue>to support concurrent reading and writing.
  • ReadThroughCache<TKey, TValue> is a thread-safe generational cache that populates itself from an underlying data source.
  • BatchReadThroughCache<TKey, TValue> extends ReadThroughCache<TKey, TValue> adding support for reading multiple values for multiple keys in one call.
  • ThunderingHerdProtection<TKey, TValue> prevents concurrent read-through for the same key (see below).
  • BatchThunderingHerdProtection<TKey, TValue> prevents concurrent read-through for multiple keys (see below).


All caches implementes the basic the ICache<TKey, TValue> interface, which has methods such as:

  • TValue this[TKey] { get; set; } sets or tries to get a value for a key (returns default(TValue) is not found, i.e. null)
  • Task<TValue> GetAsync(TKey key) tries to get a value for a key asynchronusly
  • int Count() returns the number of items currently in the cache
  • void Clear() removes all items from the cache
  • void Remove(TKey key) evicts a specific key from the cache

Batch loading classes implement the IBatchCache<TKey, TValue> interface, which extends ICache<TKey, TValue> adding the following methods:

  • TValue[] GetBatch(IReadOnlyCollection<TKey> keys) tries to get the values associated with some keys
  • Task<TValue[]> GetBatchAsync(IReadOnlyCollection<TKey> keys) tries to get the values associated with the keys asynchronusly

You can also compose caches with the following extension methods:

  • WithGenerationalCache(int? gen0Limit, TimeSpan? timeToLive) create a new read-through cache that has a Gen0 size limit and/or a periodic collection time
  • WithThunderingHerdProtection() adds ThunderingHerdProtection to a cache which prevents calling the data source concurrently for the same key.

Thundering Herd Protection

ThunderingHerdProtection<TKey, TValue> can be used to prevent multiple threads calling an underlying database, or remote service, to load the value for the same key.
Different keys are handled concurrently, but indiviual keys are read by only one thread. This can be used on the client side, before calling a remote service or database, and it can be used on the the server side.

How does it work?

The design is insipred by "generational garbage collection" in that:

  • the cache as two generations Gen0 and Gen1
  • as items are read from the underlying data source they are added to Gen0
  • when a collection happens Gen1 is thrown away and Gen0 is moved to Gen1
  • when an item is read from Gen1 it is promted back to Gen0

Internally, Cache<TKey, TValue> uses a lock (Monitor) which is exposed as the SyncLock property. ReadThroughCache<TKey, TValue> releases the lock if a read to the IDataSource<TKey,TValue> is required, reacquiring the lock to update the cache after the read.

When does a collection happen?

The ReadThroughCache<TKey, TValue> contructor takes two arguments that control collection:

  • if a gen0Limit is set then a collection will occur when Gen0 reaches that limit
  • if timeToLive is set then a an un-read entry will be evicted some time after this (unless the gen0Limit was reached since the last collection)

One or both parameters neeed to be set, i.e.

  • you can set a gen0Limit, but then the cache might never be cleared for a long time if the gen0Limit is never reached.
  • you can set a timeToLive which will let the cache grow to any size but will ensure items not used for "a long time" are evicted
  • you can specify both gen0Limit and halfLife to combine the attributes of both

What is cached?

ReadThroughCache<TKey, TValue> remembers the results of all read-though operations, so it records the value for a key or it records that a key does not have a value.

Performance and Memory

The following tests compare a generation cache with a Bit-Pseduo LRU cache.

4 threads reading-through a total of 100,000 items

Test Elapsed Items in cache Bytes allocated Bytes held Bytes held per key
BitPseudoLru 50% 118 ms 50,000 2,973,144 1,519,864 30.40
Generational 25% Gen0 Limit 34 ms 33,332 3,782,700 895,764 26.87
Generational 50ms Half-life 25 ms 100,000 6,050,996 3,129,228 31.29
Concurrent Dictionary 11 ms 100,000 5,651,692 2,994,008 29.94

4 threads reading-through a total of 500,000 items

Test Elapsed Items in cache Bytes allocated Bytes held Bytes held per key
BitPseudoLru 50% 2,062 ms 250,000 9,686,520 6,529,452 26.12
Generational 25% Gen0 Limit 183 ms 166,664 11,926,556 4,637,388 27.82
Generational 50ms Half-life 159 ms 331,819 31,131,248 9,617,896 28.99
Concurrent Dictionary 205 ms 500,000 37,960,620 16,607,692 33.22