
Easy file permissions for golang. Easily get and set file permission bits.

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Easy file permissions for golang. Easily get and set file permission bits.

This package makes it a breeze to check and modify file permission bits in Linux, Mac, and other Unix systems.


permissions, err := permbits.Stat("/path/to/my/file")
if err != nil {
	return err

// Check to make sure the group can write to the file
// If they can't write, update the permissions so they can
if !permissions.GroupWrite() {
	err := permbits.Chmod("/path/to/my/file", permissions)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("error setting permission on file", err)

// Also works well with os.File
fileInfo, err := file.Stat()
if err != nil {
	return err
fileMode := fileInfo.Mode()
permissions := permbits.FileMode(fileMode)

// Disable write access to the file for everyone but the user
permbits.UpdateFileMode(&fileMode, permissions)

// You can also work with octets directly
if permissions != 0777 {
	return fmt.Errorf("Permissions on file are incorrect. Should be 777, got %o", permissions)