Easy Prompt Selector

Stable Diffusion Webui Extension Easy Prompt Selector.

Fork to translate this sd webui extension from Janpanese to English

How to use

After Installed and reloaded SD Webui, click "Pick Tag" button

It will open tag area

As you can see, it has 3 build-in templates, as examples. Click a tag, it will be added to prompt.

Tag name and value can be different.

Those tag templates are saved as .yml files in extension's folder.

Format is simple, each tag line is just key and value. If key is the same as value, you can skip it as screenshot shows.

Tag Folder

Normally, your own tag files should put in tags folder. If there is no .yml file in tags folder, extension will copy build-in example templates into tags folder.


In above screenshot, there are category buttons with orange color. Click one of these button, it will add wildcard to prompt. Which will pick 1 tag from this category randomly when generating.

Right Click To Remove Tag

You can right click a tag to remove it.

Works both on gradio 3.23.0 and 3.16.2

There is version checking in it, works for both version of gradio.

New Features in this Fork

"neg-" prefix

In this fork, I add a feature as "If a tag is start with neg-, then put this tag into negative prompt, and remove this neg- prefix. ". So you don't need to check "Add tag to Neg Prompt" manually.
For example, for tag value "neg-child loli", it will be put into negative prompt as "child loli".

Click again to remove tag

Click a tag again, it will search this tag in prompt and remove it. Works on prompt, neg-prompt and "neg-" prefixed tag.

Yes, there is already a right click to remove tag function. But you can not do right clicking on touch screen. So, this one is still needed.

BUg fixing

  • Tell python side after editing prompt, otherwise python won't know it.
  • Change Script function parameter from Script to scripts.Script, which has a name conflict issue hiding there.


  • Tag value doesn't need to be just 1 or 2 words. You can set a whole prompt to 1 tag, then use this tag as a template.


Credit goes to this extension's creator, who don't want to translate this good extension into English. So, I have to fork it to do this.

No feature request will be accepted, since it is a fork.