
A progressive Conda based software engineering development pathway

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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  |^| Complete each level to unlock new projects! /\
  | |____________________________________________/ /
            - A BUTCHER'd-IT Production -

Snakey-Snake BootCamp

A progressive Conda based software engineering development pathway


Setup - Completed Once
  • Before beginning challenges create a github page to contain and show off your hard work
    • Create a github account (Github.com)
    • Create a repository named "<my-name>_Snakey_Snake_BootCamp" (ex. Erik_Snakey_Snake_BootCamp)
    • Create new "Projects" folder on local computer
    • Clone repository in Projects folder - important: all code will be introduced inside this folder
  • Optional a Git Client like GitKraken can greatly simplify managing git repositories
Initialization of Level - Complete at Beginning of each Level
  • View/Download the branch corresponding to your current unlocked level (beginning at level 0) inside of Projects/ folder.
    • Select "Branches" dropdown - change from Master -> Level (ex. Level_0)
  • Inside the branch you will find a folder corresponding to your current level (i.e. /level_0 for level 0 participants)
  • Follow the instruction included to complete the challenge
  • Push solution to github and notify for code review
    • If the provided solution is sufficient to achieve the level, the next level will be made accessible


Problems Solved using Conda Python with Jupyter Notebook and several that will be named as challenges are unlocked...

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pandas numpy scipy alt text

Technology Links


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