
Duckduckgo Images Downloader using Selenium and Chromebrowser

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Duckduckgo Images Downloader

This package provides functions to download images using duckduckgo images search.


pip install git+https://github.com/butchland/ddg_images_downloader.git

Install chromium and chromedriver

In order to run the package, you need to install chromium and chromedriver If you are running on linux, you can install chromium and chrome driver using the apt tool.

!apt-get update
!apt install chromium-chromedriver

If on other OS (Mac or Windows), please see instructions on setting up chrome driver with Selenium on your platform. See Chrome Driver Getting Started for details.

How to use

Import library

from pathlib import Path
from fastcore.utils import *
from ddg_images_downloader.images import *

Download image urls and save to text files

This function will download the image urls and save them into textfiles

download_search_urls(path, search_terms, search_pattern, **kwargs)

Each textfile contains the list of urls for each search term and are named after the search term

An example

bear_types = ['teddy','black']
path = Path('bears')
# slow
!rm -rf bears
download_search_urls(path, bear_types,'{0} bear',scroll_count=4,sleep=5)
!ls -ald {path.as_posix()}/*
drwxr-xr-x  473 butch  staff  15136 May 21 22:07 �[34mbears/black�[m�[m
-rw-r--r--    1 butch  staff  34854 May 21 21:56 bears/black.txt
drwxr-xr-x  471 butch  staff  15072 May 21 22:02 �[34mbears/teddy�[m�[m
-rw-r--r--    1 butch  staff  34706 May 21 21:55 bears/teddy.txt

Download list of urls from a text file named after the search term

Each text file named after the search term containing the list of urls will be downloaded into a separate folder

# slow

Search and Download single search terms

Aside from retrieving urls from multiple search terms, you can also search for a single search term and save the retrieved urls to a file.

An example

Retrieve image urls into a file

!mkdir fruits
download_search_url('passion fruit',Path('fruits')/'passion.txt',scroll_count=3)
passion fruit 357

Download the images into a folder

downloaded:  0  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  10  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  20  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  30  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  40  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  50  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  60  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  70  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  80  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  90  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  100  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  110  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  120  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  130  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  140  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  150  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  160  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  170  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  180  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  190  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  200  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  210  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  220  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  230  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  240  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  250  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  260  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  270  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  280  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  290  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  300  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  310  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  320  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  330  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  340  dest:  fruits/passion
downloaded:  350  dest:  fruits/passion


A sample notebook for downloading simple terms is provided here that is runnable on Colab :