
Primary LanguageJavaScript


react-task is an experimental alternative to redux-thunk and redux-saga, except it doesn't depend on Redux at all and instead depends on React.

It is very similar to sagas, except that instead of starting sagas/background processes when certain actions are dispatched, processes are started/stopped when certain things become true/cease to be true about the state.

For example, instead of saying "start a loading process when a LOAD_ITEM action is dispatched," you would say "start a loading process when an item satisfies item.isLoading === true and stop the loading process for that item when that is no longer true."

Advantages of State-based Side Effects

  1. Saving and loading of Redux state also properly saves/loads the side effect state. For example, if you save the app state in the middle of loading a resource, before the resource finishes loading, the process to load the resource will be automatically restarted when you restore the state. To do the same thing with action-based side effects you would have to inspect the state or action history to see which resources should have been loading and dispatch new actions to start the appropriate loading processes.
  2. It is easy to test which side effect processes are running for a given state. You can say "when the app is in this state, these side effect processes should be running." With action-based side effects, you might have dispatch many actions to get your app into the right state to test a particular side effect. More importantly, you can organize your side effects into a hierarchy and test different parts of the app's side effects modularly, just like you can with UI components.

Tasks as Components

react-task actually uses React components to represent the side effect processes that should currently be running. Task components basically just do two things:

  1. When the component is mounted, it starts a background process that runs the generator function you give it. When the component gets unmounted/stops being rendered, it stops the background process if it hasn't ended already.
  2. Passes a getProps function as an argument to the generator function that it can call to get the current state of the props.

It may seem really strange to use React components to represent processes, but this actually has several advantages:

  1. Reuses React's existing reconciliation algorithm instead of making a custom algorithm for starting/stopping of processes.
  2. Let's you organize your side effect tasks in a hierarchy of reusable components.
  3. Because they're just regular React components, you can use react-redux's connect to connect your side effects to your Redux state just like with UI components. This allows the side effect handling code to be very reusable.
  4. As React components, tasks can also be inspected using React's existing devtools to see what side effect processes are currently running. As an additional debugging tool, the Task component stores information about the current "step" in the execution of the background process to the component's state, and it could probably be extended to add more debugging info.
  5. Tasks can be tested using React component testing tools like shallow rendering, to test that the correct tasks are run for a given state.
  6. You can add propTypes to your task components.
  7. You can render tasks inside of your UI components if there are side effects that should be tied to a particular UI component, or render them completely separately from your UI, whichever way is more appropriate for your use case.

Ultimately, however, React is a UI rendering library, so it is possible that it could add UI-specific optimizations in the future that would break use cases like this. However, I think the risk of this happening is currently outweighed by the above benefits.

API Reference

task(function* (getProps) { ... }) => Stateless React component

Takes a generator function and returns a stateless React component that will start the process described by the generator function when the component is mounted and stop it when the component is unmounted.

The generator function should yield calls to call/apply/etc instead of calling the function directly when calling any function that performs side effects, similar to sagas. This allows the functionality of the process to be tested without actually performing side effects and without complicated mocking.

It also allows you to easily wait on promises very similar to ES7 async/await. The generator function will wait on a promise and continue execution with the value that the promise resolved with when the promise resolves (or continue execution in the next catch {} block with the value that the promise rejected with if the promise rejects).

When the task component gets unmounted, the generator function's process will be stopped by calling Generator.return() on it. This means that it will continue execution at the next finally {} block if it has one, which can be used to perform clean up when a process ends. You may still yield promises and calls normally inside of a finally {} block. In addition, if the task was waiting on a promise when it got cancelled and the promise has a cancel method, the promise's cancel method will be called.

The generator function will get passed a single argument, a getProps function. When called with no arguments, getProps returns a promise that immediately resolves with the current props passed to the component. (Tasks do not get restarted when their props are updated, only when they get mounted/unmounted, so getProps must be used to get the props.)

If you pass a function as the first argument to getProps, the function will be called with the current props and whenever the props get updated. getProps will return a promise that resolves with the current props as soon as the function returns a value that coerces to true.


import { task } from 'react-task';
import { playSound } from './playSound';
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';

const AnimationTask = task(function* (getProps) {
  const { setAnimationState } = yield call(getProps);

  try {
    // This might dispatch an action that causes a class with a transition style
    // to be set on some UI component.
    yield call(setAnimationState, 'fade-in');
    // Wait until the transition is done using an onTransitionEnd callback to
    // that dispatches an action to update the animation state.
    yield getProps(props => props.animationState === 'fade-in-end');
    // Play a sound and wait for it to be done (assuming that playSound returns
    // a promise that resolves when the sound is done playing).
    yield call(playSound, '/path/to/sound.mp3');
    // Start the fade out transition.
    yield call(setAnimationState, 'fade-out');
  } finally {
    yield callMethod(console, 'log', 'task stopped');

AnimationTask.displayName = 'AnimationTask';

AnimationTask.propTypes ={
  setAnimationState: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
  animationState: PropTypes.string.isRequired,

export default class AnimationComponent extends Component {
  constructor() {

    this.state = { animationState: 'hidden' };

  render() {
      onTransitionEnd={() => if (this.state. animationState === 'fade-in') this.setState({ animationState: 'fade-in-end' })}
      This component will be faded in and out.
        setAnimationState={animationState => this.setState({ animationState })}

// CSS:
.hidden {
  opacity: 0;
.fade-in {
  opacity: 1;
  transition: opacity 1s;
.fade-out {
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity 1s;

call(sideEffectFunction, ...args) => 'call' object

Call takes a function and a list of arguments for the function and returns an object that can be used to actually execute the function call later. It is analogous to redux-saga's declarative effects.

call and all of the other call object creator functions should always be used in combination with a yield statement inside of a task's generator function. The process runner for the task will receive the yielded calls and actually execute them.

If the result of the function call is a promise, the process runner will wait until the promis resolves before returning the resolved value to the generator function and continuing execution.

apply(thisContext, sideEffectFunction, argsArray) => call object

Similar to call, but allows you to set the value of this within the function call, and let's you specify the arguments as an array.

callMethod(object, methodName, ...arts) => 'call' object

Convenience function that is equivalent to apply(object, object[methodName], args).

callSync/applySync/callMethodSync => 'call' object

The synchronous version of each of the call creator functions has the same signature as the asynchronous version. However, if the result of the function call is a promise, it will just return the value of the promise and continue execution instead of waiting for the promise to resolve/reject.

You can save a reference to the returned promise and yield it later in the generator function to wait until the promise resolves.

If the returned promise has a cancel method, it will be called when the task's process ends or is cancelled.

run(generatorFunction, ...args) => Promise

This is the public API for the process runner that backs task components. It takes a generator function that yields calls to call/apply/etc and a list of arguments for the generator function, and returns a promise that resolves with the final return value of the generator function (or rejects if there is an error during the execution of the function).

The returned promise has a cancel method which can be used to trigger stopping of the process. The process might not immediately finish after being cancelled if it has a finally {} block that waits promises or calls. You can call cancel multiple times to break out to the next finally block repeatedly until the generator function ends.

In addition to calling cancel directly, cancel will also be called when the parent process ends if run is called inside of another process via call/callSync/etc. This means you can do something like:

import { run, callSync } from 'react-task';
import childProc from './childProc';

function *parentProc() {
  const child1 = yield callSync(run, childProc, 1);
  const child2 = yield callSync(run, childProc, 2);
  return yield Promise.race([child1, child2]);

run(parentProc).then(result => console.log(result));

And both of the child processes will be stopped when the parent process ends or gets cancelled.

If you need to account for the fact that promises can have multiple consumers when cancelling promises, then you might want to consider using a promise library that has support for cancelable promises such as Bluebird: http://bluebirdjs.com/docs/api/cancellation.html#what-about-promises-that-have-multiple-consumers

run is more generic process abstraction than sagas because it doesn't know anything about Redux or actions. It is also doesn't need to have forking mechanics since most use cases of forking can probably be handled by mounting/unmounting of task components to start/stop processes.