
A generic Django application to attach Files (Attachments) to any model.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


django-attachments is a generic set of template tags to attach any kind of files to models.


  1. Put attachments to your INSTALLED_APPS in your settings.py within your django project.

  2. Add (r'^attachments/', include('attachments.urls')), to your urls.py.

  3. Add 'django.core.context_processors.request' to your TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS in your settings.py. If this setting does not exist, simply add the following snippet at the end of your settings.py:

  4. Don't forget to resync your database:

    ./manage.py syncdb
  5. If you are upgrading from a previous version, you may wish to migrate your database using south

    ./manage.py migrate attachments

    you may need to fake the first migration:

    ./manage.py migrate attachments 0001 --fake
    ./manage.py migrate attachments
  6. Grant the user some permissons:

    • For adding attachments grant the user (or group) the permission attachments.add_attachments.
    • For deleting attachments grant the user (or group) the permission attachments.delete_attachments. This allows the user to delete only attachments which are assigned to him (rather the attachments he uploaded self).
    • For deleting foreign attachments (attachments by other users) grant the user the permission attachments.delete_foreign_attachments.

    This only works for the templatetags, the admin still allows anybody to add or delete attachments.

  7. (optional) customise the storage object to store files in a location other than in MEDIA_ROOT or serve from a url other than MEDIA_URL. You may customise the storage object which is used on the FileField. To do this, simply define the following setting in your settings.py:


    The ATTACHMENTS_STORAGE should be set to an instance of a storage object that you would like to use instead of the default DefaultStorage object. An example which stores files in a secure location may look like this:

    from django.core.files.storage import FileSystemStorage
    ATTACHMENTS_ROOT = '/path/to/my/secure/location'
    ATTACHMENTS_URL = '/secure'
    ATTACHMENTS_STORAGE = FileSystemStorage(

    Note that you must define both location and base_url for this to work. Otherwise django will attempt to load the settings file again to find the settings.MEDIA_ROOT or settings.MEDIA_URL defaults, crashing django.

Mind that you serve files!

django-attachments stores the files in your site_media directory and does not modify them. For example, if an user uploads a .html file your webserver will probably display it in HTML. It's a good idea to serve such files as plain text. In a Apache2 configuration this would look like:

<Location /site_media/attachments>
    AddType text/plain .html .htm .shtml .php .php5 .php4 .pl .cgi


In contrib.admin:

django-attachments provides a inline object to add a list of attachments to any kind of model in your admin app.

Simply add AttachmentInlines to the admin options of your model. Example:

from django.contrib import admin
from attachments.admin import AttachmentInlines

class MyEntryOptions(admin.ModelAdmin):
    inlines = [AttachmentInlines]


In your frontend templates:

First of all, load the attachments_tags in every template you want to use it:

{% load attachments_tags %}

django-attachments comes with some templatetags to add or delete attachments for your model objects in your frontend.

  1. get_attachments_for [object]: Fetches the attachments for the given model instance. You can optionally define a variable name in which the attachment list is stored in the template context. The default context variable name is attachments Example:

    {% get_attachments_for entry as "attachments_list" %}
  2. attachment_form: Renders a upload form to add attachments for the given model instance. Example:

    {% attachment_form [object] %}

    It returns an empty string if the current user is not logged in.

  3. attachment_delete_link: Renders a link to the delete view for the given attachment. Example:

    {% for att in attachments_list %}
        {{ att }} {% attachment_delete_link att %}
    {% endfor %}

    This tag automatically checks for permission. It returns only a html link if the give n attachment's creator is the current logged in user or the user has the delete_foreign_attachments permission.

Quick Example:

{% load attachments_tags %}
{% get_attachments_for entry as "my_entry_attachments" %}

{% if my_entry_attachments %}
{% for attachment in my_entry_attachments %}
        <a href="{{ attachment.attachment_file.url }}">{{ attachment.link_name }}</a>
        {% attachment_delete_link attachment %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% attachment_form entry %}

In the console:

First, import the items you will need:

import os
from django.core.files import File
from attachments.models import Attachment
from myproject.models import Person

Next, retrieve the object you wish to attach to:

me = Person.objects.get(name='aaron')

Now open the attachment you want from your drive using the django File object:

mypicture = File(open('/home/aaron/mypicture.jpg', 'r'))

Finally, create the Attachment object and save it, and close the file handle:

a = Attachment()
a.creator = me
a.attachment_file = mypicture


v0.4 (2011-04-4):

  • Added a new field display_name to the Attachments model. South migrations have been provided to help with the transition to using the new field.

    why add display_name? Previously it wasn't practical to set a nice display name for attachment links. The best we could do was attachment.filename. Now our link text can be whatever we like:

    <a href="/myatt4c_hm3nt_badfilename.pdf">2011 yearly report</a>

    from this template:

    <a href="{{ attachment.attachment_file.url }}">{{ attachment.link_name }}</a>

    where link_name is a convenience function that tries to return display_name if it exists. if not it will return filename.

v0.3.1 (2009-07-29):

  • Added a note to the README that you should secure your static files.

v0.3 (2009-07-22):

  • This version adds more granular control about user permissons. You need to explicitly add permissions to users who should been able to upload, delete or delete foreign attachments.

    This might be backwards incompatible as you did not need to assign add/delete permissions before!