
Reeder like theme for TinyTinyRSS

Primary LanguageCSS

This is an attempt to simulate the Reeder feeling in the TinyTinyRSS Reader. Since version v2.0 it is build from scratch. Check out the project page http://tschinz.github.io/tt-rss_reeder_theme


Loading screen

Reeder Theme Loading

Combined Feed Mode

Reeder Theme Combined Feeds

Combined Feed Mode - Hidden Feed Tree

Reeder Theme Combined Feeds

Normal Feed Mode - Vertical

Reeder Theme Combined Feeds

Normal Feed Mode - Horizontal

Reeder Theme Combined Feeds


Reeder Theme Combined Feeds


  • Easy for the eyes
  • Clean and simple
  • Feed tree can be hidden
  • Preferences pane included
  • New loading screen
  • Supports Combined Feed and Normal Feed Mode including widescreen
  • New Plugin Icons, it includes icons for the following plugins (plugin folders needs to be saved as indicated below):
  • evernote
  • readability
  • readability_mobile
  • inline_readability
  • mail
  • mail_to
  • share
  • embed_original
  • note
  • mobilize
  • facebook
  • tweet
  • googleplus
  • article_toolbar
  • article_toolbar_small


###TT-RSS <v1.11 Use the legacy tree with the Old Reeder Theme

Copy the folder reeder_img/ and the file reeder.css into your tt-rss/themes/ directory.

###TT-RSS >v1.11 Hurray you can use the new Reeder Theme Reeder Theme

Copy the folder reeder/ and the file reeder.css into your tt-rss/themes/ directory.

Versions Log

  • v1.0 - Initial Release
  • v1.1 - Better colors
  • v1.2 - New images in Special list
  • v1.3 - Update for tt-rss v1.7.10
  • v1.4 - Supports Widescreen and Disabled Combined Feeds
  • v1.5 - New images for certain plugins, supported plugins are note, embed_original, evernote, share, - readability, readability_mobile, inline_readability, mail, mail_to, mobilize
  • v1.6 - New images for facebook, twitter and googleplus plugins, better OpenSans font integration, minor bugfixes
  • v1.7 - Added style for the article_toolbar and article_toolbar_small plugins, minor bugfixes
  • v1.8 - New Toolbar style and Feed title
  • v1.9 - Version in sync with ttrss ;-), supports TTRSS v1.9, updated some images, supports floating title, supports share notshared plugin functionality
  • v2.0 - Rebuild from scratch, No dependencies to TT-RSS CSS
  • v2.1 - Store google fonts locally
  • v2.2 - Bugfix for toggle_sidebar Plugin


This theme is build upon the Feedly theme of levito, a big thanks to him.


This document is under the CC BY-NC-ND 3-0 License, Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.