
Personal website

Primary LanguageSCSSMIT LicenseMIT


with-coffee License: MIT

A Hugo static site to display past work experience and projects I've worked on.


Run make build to install dependencies and build the site.



To Preview the site do make serve then open a browser and navigate to localhost:1313. The Site will live reload based on any changes.


To Build the site for deployment run make build, the site will be output to public folder. This can then be served from any hosting. The site is auto deployed using cloudflare hosting


To Export a PDF on the me page run make print, this is save cv.pdf in the root dir.


All pages content sections can be edited from ./src/content. These files are simple markdown with front-matter yaml

A portion of the content is stored in data such as work.yaml, and education.yaml. The text in the yaml files are treated as markdown and rendered out in to the templates.

The Social links can be found in data/info.yaml.


A portion of the site uses Github as a source for rendering templates. Given it is not possible to render graphql data from hugo, github.ts exists. github.ts is a deno serverless function to etl data from github's graphql api for use in hugo.