
Redbrick LDAP CLI

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build and Test

Script to interact with Redbrick LDAP.


  • Search for users in ldap
  • Create a new Redbrick user
  • Renew a user account
  • Convert a users between usertype
  • Edit user info
  • Reset a user's password and shell
  • Disable and re-enable a user account
  • Remove and lock unpaid accounts
  • Alert all unpaid users there accounts have been disabled and they need to renew
  • Delete all user who have not paid for 2 years
  • Disable all unpaid user accounts and notify the user the account is disabled
  • Preform yearly update
    • Set newbie to false
    • Decrement years paid by one
    • Disable all accounts with years paid at 0.
    • Delete all accounts with years paid of -1


rb-ldap [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

Run rb-ldap -h to get a list of flags and commands.

$ rb-ldap --help
Usage: rb-ldap [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

Command line interface for Redbrick LDAP

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version, -v         Show the version
  --user value          ldap user, used for authentication (default: "cn=root,ou=ldap,o=redbrick")
  --dcu-user value      Active Directory user for DCU, used for authentication (default: "CN=rblookup,OU=Service Accounts,DC=ad,DC=dcu,DC=ie")
  --host value          ldap host to query (default: "ldap.internal")
  --dcu-host value      DCU Active Directory host to query (default: "ad.dcu.ie")
  --port value          Port for ldap host (default: 389)
  --dcu-port value      Port for DCU Active Directory host (default: 389)
  --password value      path to file containing the password for the ldap server (default: "/etc/ldap.secret")
  --dcu-password value  path to file containing the password for the DCU AD server (default: "/etc/dcu_ldap.secret")
  --smtp value          smtp server to send email with (default: "smtp.redbrick.dcu.ie")
  --dry-run             output to console rather then file

    generate-docs       generate documentation for command line application
    add                 Add user to ldap
    search              Search ldap for user
    renew               Renew a LDAP user
    free                check if a username is free
    enable              Renable a Users LDAP Account
    disable             Disable a Users LDAP Account
    reset-password      Reset a users password
    reset-shell         Reset a user's login shell
    update              Update a user in ldap
    generate            Generate nix config for user vhosts based off ldap
    alert-unpaid        Send email to all users with unpaid account altmails telling them their account is unpaid
    delete-unpaid       Delete all unpaid users accounts that are outside their grace period (years paid = -1)
    disable-unpaid      Diable all unpaid users accounts (years paid = 0)
    new-year            To Be run at the beginning of each year prior to C&S

Version 1.0.0.dev0
Built by Redbrick <admins@redbrick.dcu.ie>, Cian Butler <butlerx@redbrick.dcu.ie>, Lucas Savva <m1cr0man@redbrick.dcu.ie>



  • pipenv

Install dependencies:

pipenv install

Run Test:

pipenv run tests

Build Wheel:

$ pipenv run build
Found 71 files tracked in git                                                             I-flit.sdist
Writing generated setup.py                                                                I-flit.sdist
Built sdist: dist/rbldap-1.0.0.dev0.tar.gz                                           I-flit_core.sdist
Copying package file(s) from /tmp/tmprb5ifr6l/rbldap-1.0.0.dev0/rbldap               I-flit_core.wheel
Writing metadata files                                                               I-flit_core.wheel
Writing the record of files                                                          I-flit_core.wheel
Built wheel: dist/rbldap-1.0.0.dev0-py3-none-any.whl                                 I-flit_core.wheel

Run rb-ldap locally

pipenv run python -m rbldap --help