butterYeeter's Simple 16 Bit Crappy CPU(BS16BCC)


butterYeeter's Simple 16 Bit Crappy CPU(BS16BCC)

This is a repo containing the logisim evo .circ files for my crappy cpu project :D

I have plans to make this turing complete and eventually build this on bread boards. I also plan on writing a basic assembler in C for this CPU.





  • Write a complete assembler in C complete with ints, chars and bools.Should also have
    flow control like for loops and if statements.

  • Write pong in assembler language

  • Implement the logical circuitry on breadboards to mess around with.

  • Future upgrades:

    • Add RAM storage
    • 32 Bit / Floats
    • 2's Complement representation of numbers
    • Floating Point Unit
    • Implement stack, call stack and multiple program loading in RAM.
  • Current tasks:

    • Hardware addition, multiplication, division and subtraction for unsigned ints. #COMPLETE

    • Add RAM for temp storage. #COMPLETE

    • Configure instuction decoder. #COMPLETE

    • Review ISA and improve it. #COMPLETE

    • Write an assembler for the cpu in C#INPROGRESS

    • Screen output? #TODO

    • Complete 8 bit prototype with simple instructions. #DISCARDED